pnzekio Member


  • @chivalryder Thanks. Do you have a source I can start at?
  • I got my infomration from a bunch of fitness professionals.
  • I would start by walking and changing the way you eat. To lose weight is to eat less and move more, however diet is number 1, and you can never out work out a bad diet. Make one small change at a time. Once you are used to the change and it becomes normal to you, then move on to making the next change and so on. You can…
  • 1000 calories everyday is not healthy for the body. I do about 800-900 Monday through Thursday with Boxing, Muy Thai and my brother's workout (He's a personal trainer), take a day off Friday, do something very light on Saturday, and run on Sunday. I would love to join, but I really don't want to do 1000 calories for 7 days…
  • @Mr_Knight, @KKJackson91 is correct. An hour of running interval will burn about 800 to 1000 calories. That would be alternating a minute to 90 seconds fast running and a minute of walking. I used to do it. What really makes it burn so much calories is the constant change of the heart rate. When I do a full 5 mile run…
  • What do you do now?