zoobrew Member


  • Yeah it's always just about marketing though isn't it. Dbal over dbol. I knew it was never guna have steroid like results but I guess some people think they will. What's one letter going to make a difference!
  • Cool cheers I'm have a look in to it. I have seen and heard a lot of these supplements that claim to be as good at gaining bulk as dianabol and stuff never really are going to be. It's just marketing more than anything. I'm on creatine mono and whey protein that's all at mo
  • I couldn't afford it even if I did do it! I seem to have got through the wall alright now
  • Yeah I have relised that I think that's the wall as have a very active job so hard to keep the calories coming in. I am getting there the gains r coming just didn't kno if there was a helpful boost that's all. Cheers for all the advice all
  • Cheers people. Just hitting a low and really struggling just thought worth an ask to help me break through this wall. I'm keep slugging and save the cash! Cheers all
  • Cheers I've done some research and just wanted the advice I was aiming for. I'm on a decent creatine mono now just finished loading phase and I'm on a 500 calorie surplus so I'm give it some more time and just keep lifting heavier. Cheers for the advice
  • Hey I'm doin something very similar to on here I've just finished loading creatine and on protein and on 3600 to 3750 calories as have a very active job. Weight is 168 lbs at the mo looking to get long term goal of 190 so have a lot of work to do
  • I've not long started lifting weigh in at 168 looking to bulk and lift to c what I can gain . How is everyone going on here?
  • Cheers well I'm going to eat 3000 today and just add 100 on from tomorrow and so on. Is there any foods to avoid getting the tyre round my gut I've not long got rid of?
    in help Comment by zoobrew May 2015
  • Ok cheers I will. I am just surprised I thought that it would be enough. I'm very new to this but keen to take it seriously and do well. Cheers again
    in help Comment by zoobrew May 2015