venuila Member


  • I am on day 3! Not sure how I feel about it yet, it's pretty intense lol. Feel free to add me :)
  • I just started working part time (hardly even that) but anyway, I have an almost 3 yo and a 5 month old. Pre babies I was 120. Post second baby 175. I started doing the 21 day fix workouts and a 1200 calorie diet on April 1. I've lose 14 lbs and 14 inches so far and loooooving it. You just need to find something that…
  • Thanks for posting this! I'll be using it next time I do another round. I never really counted my reps before but would be nice to see how I'm progressing.
  • Hi everyone. Haven't "checked in" in a couple days. I finished round 2 on Sunday. Lost 4 lbs and 4 inches this time. I probably wouldn't have lost any if I didn't do the 3 dqf. I definitely feel and see more of a difference too so that's always good. I started insanity yesterday. Yeah, I am NOT liking it so far, lmao. It…
  • I finished round 2 yesterday. 4 lbs 4 inches gone. Probably wouldn't have lost any lbs of i didn't do the 3 day quick fix. It is that TOM atm so not sure if it's 100% accurate but I'm sure it's close. I'm sure I'll do round 3 eventually but decided to give insanity a try for now.
  • Just finished dirty 30. I can't do the side plank lifts either. It seems impossible to me too. Although I am better than the first time I ever did it but still not even close to just having the side of my foot down. Yay for yoga tomorrow!
  • Done cardio fix. Haha that was totally my face today @jpkrueger. It's funny cause sometimes I don't even remember which move is next and then when I realized what it was.. Yup. That was totally the face I made. Ha. Today was day 19 of my second round. I know I won't see results as good as I did first time around but it is…
  • Yeah they were pretty soft. I made them in the epicure petite mold, if kept in the fridge they stay formed pretty well but don't think they'd last long at room temp.
  • I was just wondering this. I am expecting it any day now and the scale was up 4 lbs this morning! Better go back down afterwards tehe.
  • Half a whole wheat English muffin with 2/3 cup of egg whites, scrambled and fat free cheese slice. 169 calories :)
  • I just wanted to post that I made these the other day and OMG are they good! Definitely satisfy my sweet cravings and only about 92 calories each. They are seriously good. And one is enough, which is also nice. :)
  • Just did Pilates fix and a quick 5 minutes on the bike. I actually did the first plank for the full 60 seconds! (Is it 60? Lol) I still can't do this hip drops without being on my knees though. And by the time we do the 10 second hold 3 second drop I think Autumn is just cruel. Kinda bumming out lately. I did the 3 day…
  • Welcome to all the new 21 day fixers! This group is amazing :) Round 2 Day 16 upper fix done. I still can't believe how hard some of the moves are even in my second round. I use the 8s and 10s now but still. Phew! Hoping to get some bike time in during the kids afternoon nap.
  • Round 2 day 15 (already?!) Total body cardio fix in today. I usually do my workouts during my daughters first morning nap. Thankfully my son usually occupies himself or tries to workout with me lol which is pretty darn cute. I wish I could wake up early and do it but my son usually wakes up to go pee before we get up at 7…
  • Sorry you're havin such trouble with your laptop @SatiaRenee that's exciting about your surprise! You'll have to let us know how you like them.:) Impressive @dixiewhiskey ! Way to go! Just got dirty 30 in. My son had his first tee ball game this morning and then I had to work. It's bad but I never eat when I work (waitress…
  • Doing the 3dqf made me realize I probably eat way too many carbs in the day usually. I should start watching that. Got cardio fix in. Blah. I felt like vomiting when I was done. I now hate Friday's because of cardio fix lol. At least it's over now though! Til next time, lol.
  • I did it! I didn't end up cheating either and I was able to get in the six meals the last two days. For those of you that don't know, I don't use the containers with the 21df I just count calories on here but this 3 dqf has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I don't nearly eat as often enough as I should that's for sure.…
  • Did Pilates and some time on the bike. Today was the last day of the three day quick fix, excited to step on the scale tomorrow. Wish me luck! Haha. Also excited to have something different for breakfast lol.
  • I'd probably buy one size smaller. You know you're going to get there and having them may even motivate you more to get there! And I agree with @walkdmc once you get to a 28 you'll want to do a whole spree for that.:)
  • Thanks! I just had the 4th meal and honestly again I don't feel like I can do 6 today. I guess I really don't eat that much during the day. That's probably why I'm feeling like this. It was even hard to finish the last meal. I'm definitely realizing I should eat more often though. It's tempting to sub a meal with a protein…
  • Well, yesterday was interesting. I definitely felt fuller than I usually do in a day. It seemed like a lot to me...according to mfp it wasn't that many calories and honestly I only got 5 of the 6 meals in. Probably not a good thing but I was full!! I was debating last night giving up on it. Not that it's hard, it's a lot…
  • Restarted and completed PiYo sculpt last night. That's ones tough on the legs! And today was lower fix lol brutal. Got it done though. Hoping to do another PiYo workout tonight or maybe some bike time...or both...hrm. Hope you feel better @dkwi04 I can understand your frustration @SatiaRenee . Hopefully it won't take too…
  • Welcome! I am in a very similar situation. Have a two and a half year old and a 5 month old. Currently 166 hope to get to at least 135. I was 120 pre children. We got this!!!
  • What kind of results did you get with t25? Ive been debating getting it as well.:) I am enjoying the PiYo workouts but don't really like that it's 60 days....I don't know why, it's not like I won't workout everyday for the next 60 days anyway..shrug. Maybe just cause the program is 60 days I don't know. I'm on my second…
  • I'd love some mom friends! I've just started working out a little over a month ago. My second child was born late December but am eager to get the weight off! Before I had my son 3 years ago I was the lowest I ever was at 120 (I was boderline underweight tho). Gained more than 80lbs with my son. Before I got pregnant with…
  • I'm on day 9 of round 2 and started the 3 day quick fix today. I don't have the containers but have all the info to do it. I thought I was going to be super hungry doing it but so far I've had three meals and I'm sooooo full. I must say I am not a fan of the steel cut oats though. Bleh!!! I think it's the texture that just…
  • Great job everyone! Im so glad I got this app. It's such a great way to stay on track and keep each other motivated.:) You look GREAT @SatiaRenee ! I definitely see a difference in the pics:)
  • Did upper fix today. I've been slacking on the doubling up lately but I started PiYo sculpt right after! I only got half way through it before baby woke up from her nap though. Husband is back on nights tonight so will be easier to get an evening workout in without him here, hehe.
  • That's great! I have been contemplating getting mirena. I'd rather my husband get fixed but that ain't happening. I tried the pill but I just don't feel right on it mentally or physically. I really don't want to gain weight though so glad you put that you didn't with mirena :)
  • Got yoga in. Hoping to do a PiYo workout or some time on the bike tonight. Scale hasn't moved since I started this round,haven't checked inches though. Hopefully there's been some change there.