pookey_bear Member


  • I need advice or help or something, I'm not sure. Lol Female, 36, 5'3. I am on day 25 of my "diet" and exercise, I have been expecting to loose weight and when I stepped on the scale today I had gained 5lbs (I went from 170 to 175, and for my height, that's no good), right now I have been trying to focus more on cardio…
  • I do push ups (60-80) depending on the day, I do bicep curls, and lift weights from my hips to my shoulder height, that's it.....
  • Thanks for letting me know about the scales, I will go get one from Walmart, Vita Health or Popeyes this weekend
  • I do work out with some weights, the 5 lb and the 10 lb, but my biggest weights are the kids I lift and carry all day. Lol. I work out with them maybe 2 times a week, I do a lot more cardio
  • Thank you for your replies. I guess I haven't been measuring out my portions as accurately as I thought, I use my measuring cups to do my portion sizes, and again I guess those aren't as accurate as I thought. Should I be buying a food scale to help?