What am I doing wrong??

15 days and I still weigh the same


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Have you entered your information into the Goals section of MFP?

    Have you selected the amount of weight you want to lose each week (i.e. 1 lb)?

    Have you weighed and logged everything you eat to ensure you are under the number of calories MFP suggested?
  • GlassesWoman
    GlassesWoman Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! Are you eating your calorie limits - more? less? Are you exercising? I KNOW that feeling! The feeling of not going ANYWHERE. That's why I joined myfitnesspal. Also what about sodium levels? Sometimes, a very low initial goal with like a half a pound weight loss a week is better than trying to go "hardcore". Stick with it. I lost like one or two pounds, then went back up and then suddenly started losing toward my goal in a steadier way. I like to eat like six small/tiny meals a day to keep my metabolism on an even keel. I also eat my heaviest calories early or mid day and gradually taper off to a very small dinner. But let's talk and see what we can figure out? Everybody's a little different.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Its because you are not at deficit and thats as a result of eating more than you think. learn to log all your food accurately and weigh it as suggested by Machka. Not losing is by far the most common problem people have and the answer is always a variation of ensuring you are at an accurate deficit.
  • jessicamcpolin
    jessicamcpolin Posts: 2 Member
    I completely understand your frustration- sometimes weight loss has more to do with our mind than we think. Make sure to get enough sleep and drink plenty of water, at least half your body weight. You can do this and I would love to give you support along your journey.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    If after 15 days you haven't lost any weight you are simply not in a deficit. If you are logging everything then you are eating more than you think.

    Stick with it and log everything as accurately as possible. Weigh everything for the most accuracy and don't use measuring cups. After a while it becomes easy to look at things and tell how much you are eating but to begin with you have to be as accurate as possible so you know that in fact you are eating what you are logging.
  • pookey_bear
    pookey_bear Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for your replies.
    I guess I haven't been measuring out my portions as accurately as I thought, I use my measuring cups to do my portion sizes, and again I guess those aren't as accurate as I thought. Should I be buying a food scale to help?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Thank you for your replies.
    I guess I haven't been measuring out my portions as accurately as I thought, I use my measuring cups to do my portion sizes, and again I guess those aren't as accurate as I thought. Should I be buying a food scale to help?

    Yes, a food scale is the way to go.

  • rachawag
    rachawag Posts: 6 Member
    I use a food scale to weigh everything I eat. So I know exactly how much I'm getting. Been a great help to teach myself the right portion sizes. I just got a cheap one from Walmart and works perfect! Hope that helps.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    A food scale isn't expensive, and is the best investment you'll make in this weight loss journey.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    What do you do for exercise? Are you lifting weights at all or some kind of other strength training regime?
  • pookey_bear
    pookey_bear Posts: 6 Member
    What do you do for exercise? Are you lifting weights at all or some kind of other strength training regime?

    I do work out with some weights, the 5 lb and the 10 lb, but my biggest weights are the kids I lift and carry all day. Lol. I work out with them maybe 2 times a week, I do a lot more cardio
  • pookey_bear
    pookey_bear Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for letting me know about the scales, I will go get one from Walmart, Vita Health or Popeyes this weekend
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    If you make your diary public, people would be able to help a bit better. I had my diary locked at first and ended up opening it up to everyone so that people could give advice :)
  • pookey_bear
    pookey_bear Posts: 6 Member
    What do you do for exercise? Are you lifting weights at all or some kind of other strength training regime?

    I do push ups (60-80) depending on the day, I do bicep curls, and lift weights from my hips to my shoulder height, that's it.....