jalynn82 Member


  • I didn't intend my post to be directed at you as a jab, DaneanP, sorry if it came off that way. I was just putting the POV of one long-time smoker out there. I know using a vaporizer isn't as healthy as not smoking anything at all, but I also know it appears to be leaps and bounds healthier than cigarettes. It's a risks vs…
  • It was a nurse that turned my family and I onto vaporizers at the end of February while we were visiting my father at the hospital. Five out of six of us have been cigarette smoke free for a month or more now thanks to using a vaporizer, and we're working on convincing the last smoker to join with us. All of those who…
  • I'm 5'3" and currently 127, looking to reach the 110 range as soon as possible. I had lost 25 lbs in 8 weeks at the end of 2014, going from 140 to 115. I kind of fell of the diet and exercise train and gained a good bit of it back since January, but I'm determined to at least get to where I was a few months ago by the time…