Advice is needed.

Okay, so I am a younger gal. 5'4.5" and weigh 137. I need all the help I can get before summer. Any diet plans that helped you? Or ones that didnt. Any advice in general? Please and thankyou. It is greatly appreciated. I want to get down to 112. Iknow it'll be a long journey but I'm up for it.


  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    A few things to think about... you are starting at a BMI of 23.2, which is well within the normal range. You want to get to a BMI of 18.9. That is at the very bottom of the normal range. Some people can be there perfectly healthfully, but that would be a very dramatic change and likely not the best thing for your body and difficult to maintain. Especially given you are young, you don't want to get yourself into a bad pattern of yoyoing. Since you are already at a healthy weight, perhaps focus instead on weight training, which will help you to get strong and a nice shape.
  • jalynn82
    jalynn82 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'3" and currently 127, looking to reach the 110 range as soon as possible. I had lost 25 lbs in 8 weeks at the end of 2014, going from 140 to 115. I kind of fell of the diet and exercise train and gained a good bit of it back since January, but I'm determined to at least get to where I was a few months ago by the time swimsuit season begins!

    When I lost the weight before I actually didn't do anything crazy, I walked/jogged at least 3 miles a day for exercise and ate healthier, 1200 calories a day. I logged EVERYTHING that I ate, entire meals or literally even 1 potato chip. It was more about mindset though, pushing through to take a walk when I really didn't feel like it that day, or keeping from eating sweets when the rest of the family was munching late at night.

    I guess the only advice I have is for you to be determined and stick to a plan. Confidence in yourself goes a long way!
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    No diet plan, just enter your stats into the MFP calculator, find out how many calories you should eat to lose weight, and start logging what you eat in the tracker. Easy!

    Also, 112? Are you sure? I'd focus on losing the first 10 pounds by eating better and exercising more and see how you look.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Okay, so I am a younger gal. 5'4.5" and weigh 137. I need all the help I can get before summer. Any diet plans that helped you? Or ones that didnt. Any advice in general? Please and thankyou. It is greatly appreciated. I want to get down to 112. Iknow it'll be a long journey but I'm up for it.

    I am 5'4 and 121-123 right now. I look pretty darn good, minus wanting to start toning up and building muscle. 112 is at the very low end of what we should weigh. I would recommend reconsidering your goal; 115lb-120lb is the lower healthy end of the range we should be.

    As an aside, I started at 148-150 in March 2014, and set my weight loss to .5lb/week, even though I had around 30lbs I wanted to lose. It helped me keep a reasonable deficit, and over a year later, I'm still at it. You want to build consistent healthy habits you can keep up once you hit your goal. I highly recommend setting yours to 1lb-.5lb loss per week, get a food scale, and take the slow and steady route.