Wow guys thanks for all the advice and tips!
All valuable information thank you! I already stopped drinking soda. I've been drinking alot of green tea which I though boosted metabolism, but my dietician said to cut back on it. I'm afraid if I cut back and drink more flavored water I'll crave soda again.... I drink equal amounts of green tea and water everyday. Once I…
Didn't know that... sweet!
All taken into consideration thanks group!
Noted! Thanks
How do you know she doesn't find you attractive the way you are ?
Thanks guys! No bulking for me I'm already bulky lol its looking like water and low cal drinks
Awesome thanks for the advice :)
Yea I'm gonna trying flavored sparkling water. I quit soda which wasn't too hard. But I'm missing my sweet tea. Not a big coffee drinker. Thanks for the advice :)