Bockerz Member


  • I'm right behind you on that boat. 29 yo female that has always struggled to gain, then maintain. Feel free to add me, been on here less than a week and I already feel I'm improving, fingers crossed you will feel the same!
  • Thanks for posting this! Really useful to have a list like this on here.
  • Yep, you got it. In all the advice I've been given everyone is saying nuts/peanut butter, eggs, ice cream, milkshakes and smoothies, or just just milk. Whey protein or putting oats into things also. If you personally find any more I would love to know about them, but the main advice I got was to drink your calories if you…
  • I don't feel disgusted by my food but it feels like a real chore to eat anything. I rarely get the signals telling me I'm hungry unless it's been a long day of not eating much. Which worries me somewhat. I also hate the feeling of being full but I've been on a search for high calorie food that doesn't make me feel too…
  • Yes! Any tips would be wonderful. I eat slowly so i suppose I feel fuller faster. Though i also don't particularly want to eat, it's more that I feel I have to. What would you say makes your appetite low?
  • Surrey. Looking to gain weight. Feel free to add me.
  • Emlou, your eating habits sound similar to mine. I've had times when my food has gotten cold by the time I'm almost finished. I'm 7st 10 and want to gain around a stone. I really struggle with it because I don't particularly enjoy food. I was ill for a couple of months which resulted in my losing weight and I just can not…
  • Hey, I don't mind explaining at all! To look at you'd probably think there is nothing wrong with me, I am naturally small. However I was ill over Christmas and New Year and lost almost a stone in weight. Ideally I'd like to gain that back as it was my happy medium. I've been trying to gain it back since February and I've…