PurplePoloPlayer Member


  • I appreciate all the replies folks. I had a much nicer menu today and I am well under my sodium goal. Combined with a good workout, I feel much better today. I know the water weight is temporary, but I still don't like the bloated feeling. Whenever I am under my sodium goal, I generally feel better. I am going to eliminate…
  • I did just have a physical and my blood work is normal. I think the shock of seeing a 4 pound increase in 12 hours and feeling bad is keeping me worried. I can still taste the salt from today's lunch. Anyways. No more Chinese food or take away for a while.
  • Not logging food is a big problem for a number of people and usually results in the 'Why am I plateauing?' threads. Gotta be honest with yourself.
  • Bulgarian Split Squats! They are tough and painful (in a good way) but they really train leg muscle balance quite well.
  • I have been enjoying them boiled. They will cook faster than in the oven and they come out soft and yummy. Mix in a bit of organic butter with cinnamon whipped in and yum-station!
  • I am sorry to hear that therapy is not helping. It worked for me. As a binge drinker I felt AA wasn't for me. Is it possible to try seeing a different therapist? Try to find one that has a PHD. Like any profession, there are good and bad doctors. Don't be afraid to shop around a bit. Other advise that might help: Don't go…
  • I love Slim in 6. It is a great workout if you're getting started. Many people go right to the Insanity or more advanced videos and end up quitting because they can't keep up.