

  • Doctor has me at 1800 a day which I have been under so far this is my 3rd day of this so hopefully I can stick to it. I downloaded a cardio workout app which I been doing every day for bout 30 mins plus my walk s ..good luck with your journey.. I'll be as much help as I can if u like
  • Virginia
  • Yea I myself am looking to lose 50 or more. Its been tough for me but my friend told me about this and I'm trying it out I never had any support with my effort so hopefully I can get it here n I'm up for being any help I can
  • Been overweight most of my life on top of having children its made it hard for me to stay on track but just recently have came across some medical issues and the weight ain't helping much. But my biggest thing is I want to be able to play outside with my kids n run around with them just kinda hard to do when I get outta…