Dewdrop75 Member


  • Amy , thanks for the info on that group, I just got my Fitbit Flex today too, so I am curious about how it all works too. I think I did read that you should not log your food on the Fitbit app if you are using MFP to log your food, otherwise when it syncs it will duplicate what you logged into MFP. Tina
  • You look great! I weigh the same as you do right now, and I think you look way better than me. You must be taller than I am. Congrats on changing your lifestyle and on your precious babes.
  • I don't really call them cheat days, because I want to make this a lifestyle change and I know that it is not realistic to deprive myself of some of the things I love. I record those things even if they go over my daily limit, then I just try to make sure I eat better the rest of the week.
  • I would like to see the recent foods from all meals instead of just ones I used for that particular meal. It would be nice to be able to create favorite foods. I also would like to be able to access the forum on the phone apps. It would be nice if you could move a food to a different meal on the phone like you can on the…
  • I would not log the normal things I do on a daily basis, that is what the activity level is for on MFP. If you regularly are walking a lot during the day, like what it sounds like you are, then I would set your activity level to Active and that will take that walking that you normally do into consideration. I would not…
  • haha I actually thought my profile pic was kind of funny after I posted it on a fitness site, it's me eating a french fry w/ lots of ketchup at the state fair, it's one pic of me that I actually like, so I have been using it for my profile pic on multiple sites.
  • I agree, learn from the mistake and now you know you might have to rethink buying the cookies next time since it was too tempting to eat them all at once.
    in oh dear Comment by Dewdrop75 June 2012