

  • I was also looking into the 21 day fix, moreso for the workouts than the "diet". It seems to be a well rounded choice though, containers to fit the different types of food, but again, if you aren't able to make this your new normal, it won't work. That's what I struggle with....short term goals are great for me...but I…
  • I need all the support I can get. I am newly single (divorced 2 weeks ago) mother of young twin children. I have little time for me and get stressed out easily and get down and hard on myself. I am my own worst enemy. I look forward to boosting others (I'm great at that), and getting boosted by others! -Christine
  • Thank you! I struggle with sticking to things, so this is great! I am new to MFP and wondering, are we supposed to post something each day or just track our stuff (how do the other know we tracked, if we don't post?) _Christine
  • I also am just back in the game from a back injury. It wasn't broken, but I have a lot of tears in my lower back discs and bulges and nerve it hurts. I struggle with the food side of things. I stress eat and comfort eat and I have a lot of stress currently. I am a newly single (divorced literally 2 weeks…
  • I have been back and forth with so many "diets" and I struggle with a back injury so working out is difficult. I know what foods to eat, but I just don't like most healthy foods. I am a newly single, mother of twin toddlers and cooking for one (they don't eat what I eat quite yet) is challanging. I've been trying to make…