fitfairy91 Member


  • That's the way I am no bust or bum and a large belly too. It sucks and I'm definitely working on changing that and trying to even out my body so its proportionate.
  • You look awesome. :) Thank you for the pics they really inspire me to keep going
  • That's awesome. It's good that you're getting back on track there are some people I know will lose half their goal weight and then gain all of it back. But you kept some of it off good job :)
  • That's what I hate about my apple body shape too and you always lose your boobs first before anything else too :s
  • I'm sorry thought you were talking to me. :)
  • Oh okay I thought urloved was talking to me
  • I never said anything about eating or losing weight lol. Yea i do need to lose weight I just need a starter to help me work up to jogging and running is all :)
  • Yea I heard the music on the Walk Away the Pounds vids gets annoying and also her voice gets annoying. I don't mind putting my headphones on at all lol. I will have to look up videos from Jessica Smith. Thank you for the suggestion. :) Ive been looking around for things I might like to try.
  • I'll have to look into that. I heard of it just never looked it up. Thank you for the suggestion. I'm looking around for exercises I might like try and mix up a bit ya know lol
  • I never said anything about bad eating. I have been changing my eating habits just if this was a good program to start me off and work my way up to running is all :)
  • Yea I can't seem to run more than 30 sec right now but I willing to push myself slowly and work up to where I want to be. I just got to remember everything is not going to change over night.
    in C25K Comment by fitfairy91 April 2015
  • Yea that's the worst part trying to get over the obstacle of thinking my weight is holding me back. But like you said start out slow and walk when need I to might help me a lot. I one of those people that go all out then after 2-3 days I'm done. Thank you for the advice. Most definitely adding you :) Getting good shoes was…
    in C25K Comment by fitfairy91 April 2015
  • I may have to try Zombies,Run!5k. Sounds interesting. I have always been a secret wanna be runner, but I always hated running if that makes sense lol. I think its because I'm a bit over weight. Have been for most of my life. But I will give the Zombies,Run!5k a shot. Thanks y'all :)
    in C25K Comment by fitfairy91 April 2015