ultra_violets Member


  • It's been a problem in almost every office I've ever worked in. It's unbelievable what people will stoop to. The worst was a smallish company I worked for about 20 years ago. We had important clients coming in for a meeting later in the day and the Vice President's secretary had gone out to a rather fancy local deli and…
  • If you really want to lose faith in humanity, work in corporate America. I have seen the worst of the worst. Not just the petty aggravations, e.g. the woman who microwaves fish, and her even more loathsome counterpart, the idiot who burns popcorn (and then sends a passive aggressive email to the entire department. "Yes,…
  • I agree that keto is not the only diet that can provide that. It's not a magic bullet. Keto isn't for everyone. I would go so far as to say it's not for most people. I think if you have 50+ pounds to lose and/or have weight and lifestyle-related health problems, it's something you may want to look into, with your doctor's…
  • Five months on keto. 50 pounds lost, A1C down from 8.1 to 6, triglycerides cut in half.
  • Boy do I feel you on the cold. I'm only halfway to my goal but I've gone from being constantly hot and sweaty to freezing all the time.
  • Eh. I don't use any oil to cook with, but the mayonnaise I buy (Duke's) does have canola oil in it. I enjoy the taste and it's the only major American brand that doesn't contain sugar. I'm aware that canola is considered a no no on keto, but it's not really a hill I want to die on. So far it hasn't caused a problem.
  • Hi! T2 diabetic here. I can't recommend keto highly enough. I don't think it's a stretch to say that it's saved my life. I was diagnosed in 2008 and have struggled most of the last ten years or so, but last year I really went off the rails. The last three months of the year were the worst. I couldn't stop eating. I was…
  • I didn't. I'm already aware of not being "normal" and not being able to eat the same things as other people because of my weight and my diabetes. Fast food is still an option for me because I'm a regular person on a budget and cooking a meal from scratch isn't always an option. But almost every restaurant has healthy…
  • Way to go! I made it this month too!
  • Cutting out sugar is a huge and difficult step so good for you! I'm on keto so my experience may or may not be different to yours. I'm not a big fan of anything green, either, but I refuse to eat anything I don't like. So I stick to what I do like, such as broccoli and tossed salads. There's no need to force it down dry!…
  • 100%, especially if you're (A) Type 2 diabetic with poorly managed blood glucose or (B) have 50+ pounds to lose. I started at 237.5 lb on January 1st. This morning I was 191.5, so that's 46 pounds lost. Just had my six month checkup and my labs are great. A1C is down from 8.1 to 6 (!) and my triglycerides are half what…
  • I have fatty liver, though getting any information from my doctors about it is next to impossible. Definitely check with yours before you attempt any diet. I've personally had great success with keto, losing almost 50 pounds since January 1st and cutting my triglycerides in half. I haven't had an ultrasound but I can only…
  • Fast food doesn't have to be off limits, is how I see it. Because most of us are regular people on a budget and it's just a reality of life that sometimes you need an inexpensive meal on the go. I usually hit up Wendy's or McDonald's for a cheeseburger, plain, no bun. Wendy's also does good salads. If you're on the East…
  • You can have chocolate. Just be choosy about it. Go for dark and good quality. I like Green & Black's 85%. You'll find just a couple of squares will satisfy that chocolate craving (pair it with a few strawberries for a real treat) and it's good for you, too.
  • You got this. You've already changed your life and taken the first steps on an incredible journey. Wishing you every success.
  • This kind of crap is exactly why I hate talking here. Maybe the OP would like to have a recipe, out of the precisely 3,730,000 results on google that one of us has actually made and consumed and that this might perhaps lead to a conversation between actual human beings.
  • It was one day. And it's in the past. You have to be able to get right back up on the horse and say today is a new day. Drink a lot of water and don't feel like you have to punish yourself for it. You're human. We all need a treat once in a while.
  • I can't start the morning without an ice cold Diet Mountain Dew. I don't drink coffee so I need something to get me going. I really enjoy the taste and I don't think a couple small bottles a day is anything to worry about. It hasn't made me crave sweets or affected my blood sugar, so I consider it safe.
  • I love Dr. Now. The man got his medical license in 1970. He's been doing this a long time and he's hip to every trick in the book. He tells people what they need to hear. I think the saddest stories are the ones who still don't listen.
  • Keto since Jan 1 and lost 40 lb. Just got labs back last week. Blood pressure was perfect. Triglycerides are half what they were 6 months ago, A1C is down to 6 from 8.1. Keto works.
  • A proscuitto and mozzarella Panino with 1/4 cup pistachios
  • An awful lot of food scientists and paleontologists around here. What our ancient ancestors didn't have was processed carbs, unless there was a cave full of frozen pizza and Oreos somewhere. Keto is not a zero carb diet. I don't know anyone who can consume no carbs at all and not die. I eat between 20-30 a day, and they…
  • I have the same problem with my mom's homemade spaghetti sauce. Even knowing the recipe, it's really hard to break that down to one serving. Sometimes you just have to take your best guess. But as others have suggested, a food scale is an excellent idea.
  • Please see your doctor. There could be any number of reasons why you're experiencing these symptoms, but best to be safe! And as someone else said, balance is everything. Make sure you're eating good quality eggs and grass fed butter if you can, don't overdo the heavy cream, make sure you're eating good healthy nuts like…
  • For me, a dead giveaway that my magnesium is low is sleeplessness, back pain and foot and leg cramps. I usually take a chewable supplement, but you can also use magnesium oil as someone else suggested, or increase your consumption of magnesium rich foods like nuts and dark, leafy greens.
  • Hey and welcome to keto! You'll find it's a bit of a contentious subject around here, but just do what you and your doctor feel is best for you. I started January 1st and I've lost 40 lb (2.85 stone) and dropped my blood sugar 200 points, and so far have been able to avoid adding a second diabetes medication. I love the…
  • I didn't know if I could give up carbs. After all, like most Americans, I'd been eating them all my life. Bread, potatoes, noodles, rice, desserts, fast food, etc. But my weight and my diabetes were out of control and I was in the throes of a full-blown carb addiction. I've been battling binge eating since I was 11 years…
  • My mom used to use a 12 lb. bowling ball to test her scales. Get on without it, get on with it, get back off. You can also do it with a 5 lb. bag of sugar or a sleepy cat.