jgstrawberry Member


  • Okay... I am extremely frustrated. I have only GAINED since joining MFP! I have been eating all of my calories and exercising 35 minutes EVERY day. I am breastfeeding my baby who is 10 weeks old... I am not sure if this has anything to do with it. ??? I was so discouraged that I ate bad today and almost didn't come on here…
  • CW 129.3!!! I gained a pound and I have been exercising like crazy :(
  • Week 2: 128 no change :(
  • Found you! I just did 47 sit ups. I still need to meditate, but I don't normally do that so it will be hard for me. I guess that is why it is called a challenge :)
  • I also completed Heather's mini challenge of 4 workouts. I did the wii fit and 30 day jump start DVD each time.
  • I am breastfeeding my 7 week old. My weight is not dropping off no matter how much I exercise, but I hope that eating better will change that. Thanks for the tip with adding calories... I don't want my milk to go away.
  • Hi I just joined today and hope I am not too late. I had a baby 2 months ago and was on bed rest for more than 2 months. I just want to fit into my clothes so I don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe and be healthy again. :) My body is so weak from being on bed rest :( SW 128 GW 110