bladebiker Member


  • You're practically halfway to your goal, don't let it slide now, if it's getting tougher you might need to change it up slightly, I'm 25lbs down with about another 40 ish to go, you've come to far to let it go now
  • Next year, that's plenty of time, you WILL be super fit by then.
  • Click on the profile pic, then click on their username highlighted in blue (I think) then just hit the icon of a person with a plus/add sign next to it, to the right.
  • I have around 50lbs left to lose after just losing 24, weight is virtually dropping off me. Happy to add
  • Hey Brandonmaria, Scenario almost the same here except I'm the one who's been looked after, also had a number of surgeries just starting to bounce back now after 18 months in hell, really important for you to focus on yourself as well as your boyfriend, you're a good one, really really best of luck with this, it's not…
  • Big congratulations on gaining control scasey, that's a missive achievement in itself, I'm 22lbs in with at least another 25 at least to go. Good Luck, you're definitely in the right place for support
  • Ha Ha, same boat here Sarah, I'm 22lbs down now and only Friday night I opened my bedside drawer to find 3 packs of thorntons chocolates sat there
  • Hi Christina, I'm halfway through losing what you want to lose, I started around the 5th June and feeling really good for it, happy to add you if you like.
  • I'm a runner, okay, I'm off the running scene right now due to shattering my lower left leg and a calf muscle replacement but I should be back to it very soon, happy to be added by any runners, will help with my motivation over the next few months
  • Problem is with vaping here in the uk anyway is that there has been no official testing into the effects and what many of the different products actually contain, I tried vaping, lol quite enjoyed it but I noticed it took its toll on my respiratory system very quickly, nothing to serious but I could feel it after a few…
    in Vaping Comment by bladebiker July 2016
  • I've just started again after a serious bike accident chicaalex, happy to add you if you like
  • I completely get it, I'm currently in a rush to drop weight, losing a stone by mid August is very possible I've done it in much less time than that a few times but god it takes some discipline. For a short term fix it's absolutely fine, but once you've got it off revert to a better plan, are prepared to exercise or are you…
  • I find that a pain in the backside too, I've got a good reason to lose weight fast in the short term, plus I literally could not eat back what I'm burning at the gym. Not everyday anyway
  • Hertfordshire
  • I've been using a pacer app fitgirl, it syncs with MFP but I discovered yesterday that it over counts, if anyone had been watching what I was doing with my phone to discover this they'd have thought I was mental, but anyway whatever you use make sure you watch it counting every now and then or you could end up being way…
  • As above a vertical fist is what I did in the military too, if you are training alone use something to put under your chest, maybe a water bottle on its side, or if you can get one you can buy a mini bosu type blow up half ball, they're about 6 inches across that's what I use, it's far enough to feel strain and is an…
  • Hi Raymil, have you had any treatment for this, I'm going through it now, also have you ever had a physio tape your plata fascia up, feel free to add me if you like.
  • I'm on everyday, just started again after a nasty motorbike accident, from the UK. I'm 5.9 but I was 5.2 once
  • Never too late kuujarvis, I'm friends with quite a few people in their 70's at my gym, good luck
  • Hertfordshire Uk, I've had some great nights out in Plymouth lol.
  • This whole breakfast being the most important meal of the day stuff is an absolute myth to me, I'll knock back a natural whey protein shake and that's about it, if I have anything else I'm starving by 11 and I start craving.
  • I was a single parent with three daughters as well as working full time, difficult times but great fun, best thing I did was get my girls into their fitness, as they got older we started singing off the same hymn sheet on certain things one of those things being our fitness and what we ate, they love the gym.
  • I managed to get my 5km down to Under 20 mins by doing a number of things, I started put the versa climber into my gym routine and literally smashed a thousand feet in the quickest time possible three times per week, I upped my core exercises and ab workouts. Another one that is really beneficial is hill work, got it from…
  • Before I had my bike accident I motivated myself by rewarding myself, holidays, new clothes and I enjoyed the comfort of being healthy and fit, also my job played a major part, things have changed slightly now, when I had my accident I was told by the surgeon that if I hadn't been so fit I would have definitely lost my…
  • Well done iwtb, I went down with compartment syndrome at one point so I have a rough idea what you went through with that clot, 60 minutes wow, I can't wait to be writing that about me.
  • Brilliant Lynn, same here, I used to struggle with my running but I became an absolute racing snake once I started to focus and do other exercises to Improve my running, good luck in September, great achievement.
  • I'm from the UK Sattack, so what's your plan, do you have much to lose or are you just looking to get fitter, either way good luck
  • What I did was plenty of CV to burn the fat but I also did weights, high sets and reps, go light not heavy for now and you should come out with a beautifully toned body, when you are then satisfied with the fat loss you can increase your weights if you want to put on more muscle.
  • Nice one Sarah, been in your position myself and completely lost all my excess weight over 100lbs, if you find your body getting used to it then change up your exercise, keep the intensity going but just do some other forms of exercise for a while and you'll start the burn again. Keep going