KezJT Member


  • Just to update: Went for fiting today - it fits perfectly. No adjustment needed at all:) Would like to lose anoth 1/2 stone before the big day though, so not buying any underwear quite yet;)
  • I started today, so we'll be doing it pretty much together:)
  • Hello all. I tried New Rules about a year ago, and loved it, but only managed the first stage due to finding it impossible to get to the gym regularly enough. This time round I'm doing it from home:/ I'm 43, from the UK, carer to my husband who has a selection of physically disabling conditions and my 4 kids, who have all…
  • I had a look, but the only two I found had most recent posts from 2012 and 2013:/ Do you have a link?
  • Thank you - I shall look at that one:)
  • any chain restuarant will either be on here already or have nutritional info online/on the menu. Smaller places don't always have info - pick other restuarant meals that are similar and assume yours is the most calorific of them all:) I eat out loads, and hardly ever from chains cos, y'know, the man is baaaad;) I fit it…
  • These pics both show me at the same weight. The second is one of my "fat photos" I use for motivation. The first is what I think I still look like in the mirror
  • Pictures are better than the mirror, but very variable - there are some appalling ones of me at my biggest which I try to use as motivation, but then again, I was fat for a long time - I was/am good at hiding it and dressing well;) There are some quite nice pics of me at the same weight, and some pretty awful ones of me at…
  • it depends where you carry your weight, but around 20lb is likely to be a dress size and also when (some) people start noticing, so you're nearly there:)
  • it's winter - so soups, stews, hotpots and casseroles are satisfying, easy and good for all the family. I cook them without additional carbs (dumplings/potatoes/rice etc) but with plenty of beans for bulk. hubby & kids just add bread and I get a warming full meal for .500cals. recipe - take any veg you have, cut up,…
  • The question I was asking was really can my TDEE be so far below what the normal TDEE calculators say it is? At my size and height I should be losing 2lb per week at 1200, but am only losing 1lb so I have to assume my maintenance cals will be substantially lower than standard calculators say. Other than taking up some…
  • 2x faster than what? I can definitely teach you how to build muscle 2 x faster than if you sat on your butt all day every day - just send me a cheque.......
  • see reply four posts up!
  • Please note my OP where I pointed out that I walk to the shops (that includes carrying the groceries home). I also seem to spend far too much time carrying my 5 year old around, and he weighs 2 stone! I also pointed out that I am able to lift the heavy things at home/work, and sadly I get to do all the heavy lifting at…
  • Have you read any of this thread at all? Try the first post I wrote that stated "I want to get down to a healthy BMI again to stay/be healthy, not because I care about how I look" I'm not trying to "Toss away" my healthy body, but to keep it
  • oops, I seem to have upset some people by saying I was too old :/ I just meant that looking good is not my motivation, and does not motivate me.... I've been married for 22 years and he honestly can't tell the difference between me at size 12 and me at size 20! (sometimes that is sweet and sometimes annoying). I work with…
  • hmmm, I guess I was thinking of skinny fat as meaning in the "normal" BMI range but not very defined muscles/looking fit. I'm not really sure what my BF is - I have never really had it measured (properly or otherwise:/
  • dinner is always my largest meal of the day (same reason - nubby cooks it!). I lost 68lb on year before. My advice is pre-log your dinner whenever possible so you know exactly how much you have to play with for the rest of the day. If not possible (my hubby likes to change his mind during the day!) take a guess that it…
  • [quote="barbecuesauce;33737821"20 pounds is absolutely doable in 8 months BUT START TODAY. Don't be one of those people who comes here in March and tries to fit in. For the future, it's best to put vanity aside for bridal attire and go with the next size or so up, because you're going to be having it tailored anyway. But…
  • I lost 4 stone on here a few years ago, but got lazy and thought "I know what I'm doing now without logging" Hah! Put 2 stone back on:( So I'm sure I can do it again! Only need to lose 1.5 to fit the dress I think. I'm planning on losing at least 2 though, which should be easily doable in 8 months! One month in so far and…
  • what cals are you eating to only get one meal a day? My main meals come in at 500-600cals, with 200-300 for breakfast and 300-400 for lunch I can still hit 1200 a day. Because of my lifestyle I often eat less for breakfast and have some cals left for evening snacks. My favourite meals have plenty of veg, but I mostly eat…
  • mfp usually asks if you want to change your goals after a 10lb loss iirc
  • To be fair, I'm not vegan, but often have fruit for bteakfast. Weekedays it's grab and go fruit (banana's are best imo) and weekends its more effort to prepare mixed fruits with yoghurt. Fills me up nicely until my next meal, and I lost 60lb a couple of years ago sticking to that. I do eat real fats and protiens for my…