BreR7906 Member


  • I am a stay at home Mom and my outings include mostly errands. Now soccer as well as that starts up next week. I have only been here just over a week but I have made time to get at least one good walk in a day, I try for two, even if that means walking back and forth from one end of my kitchen to the other end of my living…
  • Hi everyone. I am only about a week in but I am definitely in it for the long haul! My (final) goal is to lose 80lbs but if I could lose 70lbs I'd be happy with that. More would be great!! Feel free to add me for support! Good luck on your journeys!
  • I'm a first timer with the same numbers and dedicated to make it work. Feel free to add me for support. Good luck on your journey!
    in Me too Comment by BreR7906 May 2015
  • Exactly! Feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey!
  • I absolutely LOVE this idea! I may just have to start doing it as well. ;)
  • I also have two kids (11 & 9) and will definitely have to try your method!
    in im hungry Comment by BreR7906 April 2015
  • I love my chocolate! Since I started this journey I have only bought one small box of 70% dark with only 5 pieces in it. I bought it last week and there is still 2 pieces left. Hubs had one too. However, the true test has been today. My Mom bought me a bag of Lindt dark chocolate truffles. My weakness! I had one this…
  • I have about 80lbs to go total but am limiting myself to short term goals. I am determined to stick with it. My first weigh in is tomorrow but lose, or gain, I am not giving in. I am ready to get this long overdue journey going! Feel free to add me if you want to. Good luck on your journey!
  • I'm with you! I am ready to get serious about my journey. I am only a week in but I am determined enough that when the cold came back last week I pushed my furniture back to open up my kitchen and living room and walked in circles, at my brisk pace, to get my walking in! Add me if you want. Good luck on your journey.
  • You're welcome. Feel free to add me for any needed extra support. :smile:
    in Hi! Comment by BreR7906 April 2015
  • You must be my long lost twin! I am exactly the same. Telling myself this is how I am always going to be because I've always been this way, I keep everything in, little to no support, I also have asthma. If nothing else, that alone should have been the reason I started this LONG ago. Stress? Sends me straight to the…
  • Congratulations on your success so far! Sounds to me like you are definitely off to a good start. Awesome job!
    in Hi! Comment by BreR7906 April 2015
  • Welcome :smile:
    in Hola Comment by BreR7906 April 2015
  • I'll take country over city any day! Feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey. :smile:
  • Me three. I'm just getting started but I am determined to get a handle on things! Please feel free to add me, anyone, for support/motivation. Let's keep each other on track! Good luck on your journey! :smile:
  • I'm also attacking the belly. Please feel free to add me, anyone, for support/motivation. Good luck on your journey. :smile:
  • Welcome! Click on the profile picture. It will take you to the profile where you can add from there. I am also new at this. Lol. Feel free to add me if you wish. Good luck on your journey! :smile:
  • I am also just starting out and am determined to give it my all. I am also looking for supportive friends as my husband is a snacker and it's hard to resist the temptation sometimes. Lol. Please feel free to add me for support/motivation. Good luck on your journey. :smile:
  • Hello, thanks and welcome! I am also fairly new and am working my way through the site. Please feel free to add me for any support. Good luck on your journey.
  • Hi. I am also fairly new to all of this. My first weigh in is tomorrow morning. Eeek. Lol. Please feel free to add me, anyone, for that extra push. Let's keep each other going... :smile:
  • Feel free to add me for support/motivation.
    in need help Comment by BreR7906 April 2015
  • Okay. Thank you everyone! I always thought negative numbers were a bad thing but I see some people on here telling others that they want to burn more than they eat and it confused me, that's all. I probably misunderstood what they were saying. Lol. Thanks again. Have a great day! :smile:
  • Hello. Having motivated friends does help. Feel free to add me for support if you want. Good luck!
  • I am also looking for active friends. I am still learning the site and getting the hang of all of this. I log my food as I eat it as to make sure I have it correct. Please feel free to add me.
  • I'm in the same boat. Kind of. Lol. My youngest is 9 but I am looking to make healthier decisions not just for me but my family as well. Please feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • Hello. I started my journey almost a week ago. I have come to find that it's so much easier to stay on track by logging whatever I eat while I'm eating it so I'm active 3-5 times a day. I'm also looking for friends to be active with. Please feel free to add me if you want to, anyone. Have a great day!
  • Out of bed is a step in the right direction, right? It can only get better from there. Especially when chocolate frozen yogurt is involved! Yum! ;)
  • Thanks! I actually had pre-logged dinner today and loved how much that helped. I plan to do that every day!
  • I hope you're feeling better now than earlier and I hope tomorrow is a better day for you. :)
  • I did just that. I stopped with the candy chocolate and started drinking chocolate milk when I wanted something chocolate. I figured that was a safe change. Then my nutritionist told me that my relationship with chocolate milk really should have more distance between us. :( I'll have to try getting a chocolate balm and try…