Last night I was nervous about my weigh in today. Even though I been tracking my intake and knew I was making better choices than when I haven't tracked it, which was uh... never, and exercise as well, I was still pretty nervous. My head started getting the best of me with all the negative "what if it wasn't enough" and…
I am entirely new to, well all of this, and am confused on the net count on the home page. Where it has goal|food-exercise=net... do you want your 'net' to be in the negative numbers? Please help me understand better so I can do this right. Thank you in advance.
Hello everyone. As some may already know I love my chocolate! Keeping control of not over indulging it is a challenge all on it's own. However, as I have been mentally keeping an eye on my habits the past month or so it seems chocolate and I become inseparable during stressul moments. Which can then turn into mindless…
I am new here and just wanted to say, hello as I look around and get to know the site. Yesterday, I took my first step towards becoming healthy. Not just for me, although that is the biggest reason for starting my long overdo journey, but for my family as well. I have always put the kids and my husband's needs, and wants,…