His programs are great and you do see reaults. If you're new, pay close attention to your form and remember to start light to gauge how much you can handle. Form and that mind to muscle connection is more important than anything, safety first.
Carb up! I'm a skinny girl too and being vegan didn't make my weight gaining goal any easier but I realised that I just needed to eat more, more, more and some more! Yes eating every three (3) hours can be a pain in the behind, cause if you're not use to it you feel stuffed but there's something for that. Digestive enzymes…
Go to and try their training programs. One of my favourites is the shortcut to size program, it gives you an outline on not just training but a meal plan and what supplements to use to maximize your gains. I gained 10 lbs while on it and I'd recommend it to anyone on any level.
Hey everyone, I've been on MFP for a couple weeks now and I've been logging in everyday tracking my calories. My goal is to gain weight in muscle, been under weight and want to be solid and strong so I'm committed to this. Please add me so we can cheer one another on :D