rebeccaposton7 Member


  • I am new as of today, and I know I am stupid but I cannot figure where to write my intro. Can you help?
  • I am also new and need to lose about 60 lbs. I am 66 yrs old and have fibromyalgia so exercise is limited. Do you know how to enter recipes? I entered 2 today and the ingredients and nutritional values show up, but the directions I entered do not. If you know how to do this, I would appreciate some instruction. Hope you…
  • I am 66 and have lost from370 to 225 with God's help over the last 3 years. I still have weight to lose and need a lot of support. It is getting harder and harder. I have a bad back and fibromyalgia so it is hard to exercise. I also have a lot of droopy skin which is a little discouraging after so much hard work. However…
  • I am a lot older than all of you so not revealing my age, but I started my journey 3years ago at 370 lbs. And now am at 225. I also am 5' 2". It is slow going for me as exercise is hard with fibromyalgia and a bad back. However, you can do this if you are patient and stay focused. Best wishes for you and your husband.