60 + looking for buddies

Would like to find friends with 50 or more pounds to loose in this age group for support and motivation mainly because the older we get the harder it is to loose and i need help to stay on track


  • Me too, so I've sent you a message. Hopefuly we can motivate each other a little in what isn't going to be an easy task! I made my first entry yesterday and it's appalling!
  • ladydianna62
    ladydianna62 Posts: 35 Member
    I made my first entry yesterday it said i didnt eat enough ha! Thats a first for me. Good thing i didmt post the day before iit probably wpuld have been "girl you ate way to much"
  • behnybaby
    behnybaby Posts: 106 Member
    me too 62 need to loose over 50. Lets do it together.
  • deescrafty
    deescrafty Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, I'm 62, need to lose over 50. I'd be glad to have this support group!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Hi I'm 62 and just popped my head in to say, you can do it. Don't make age an excuse, it may just take a little longer.

    I have been maintaining for a few years now so don't qualify for your group, but am happy to cheer you on your way.

    If you can do some kind of resistance work, it will help you retain the muscle you have, we lose it a bit faster when we are older. Also, make sure you get enough protein.

    Cheers, h.
  • freya33
    freya33 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 68, lost 20 lbs a year ago for daughter's wedding. Somehow the last year has zoomed by and I stood on the scales, now the heaviest I have every been so 28lbs back on. I have just started going to the gym again so delighted to join this group; lets all support and encourage each other. I have started doing spin classes which I love and did before. I have also started body pump which uses weights. everyone else has big weights, I am lifting about 4 kg. I thought take it easy and slowly build up. This is supposed to be good and balances the spin which is cardio. I have also just done 1 legs bums and tums which found muscles I never knew I had until they ached. After 1 week of exercise I have not lost 1lb but am beginning to feel better
  • rebeccaposton7
    rebeccaposton7 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 66 and have lost from370 to 225 with God's help over the last 3 years. I still have weight to lose and need a lot of support. It is getting harder and harder. I have a bad back and fibromyalgia so it is hard to exercise. I also have a lot of droopy skin which is a little discouraging after so much hard work. However truth be told I still have weight to lose and would like support to do this. I promise not to be a whiner. I just was clarifying my situation. Love to have response.
  • LaceyBirds
    LaceyBirds Posts: 451 Member
    I thought I would share the link of a 55-65 year old women's success thread that has been ongoing since January, with regular participation and lots of good information shared - you may enjoy posting there: community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10047153/55-65-year-old-womens-success/p1
  • luv2nap1
    luv2nap1 Posts: 24 Member
    Looking for mfp friends