Heydew Member


  • Thanks you guys. I'm definitely looking for something that will read my heart rate but I am open to suggestions! I will look into the Nike one as well.
  • There usually is a hidden grilled chicken dish that's always super tasty. I went last night and this particular restaurant had a "light" menu. Grilled chicken zucchini and onions with a little pico! It was delicious and I only ate one of the two chicken breast!
  • Thanks for the information. I'm leaning more towards the Fitbit.
  • That's awesome! I'm still sick...completely lost my voice. I really want it to be over soon! I also downloaded the couch to 5k app that I would like to start Monday as well. I'm going to a work conference and will be participating in a 5k in 8 weeks.
  • Yay your doing so awesome! Sucks that I'm falling behind....hopefully I will feeling better tomorrow :(
  • Had to pause on this yesterday and today....upper respiratory infection....still lost a pound though which I haven't done since starting it. Maybe because of building muscle? Anyway, will hopefully pick it back up soon....I don't want to be sick :(
  • Beyoncé is my jam working out!
  • Thanks for the encouragement! I'm at day 4 now! Still have to stop every now and then to "catch my breath for 5 seconds" but not nearly as much as day 1! I use 3lb weights. I can def feel it, but I haven't worked out like this in forever so I dont have a lot of endurance yet. I'll keep you guys posted on my progress! I…
  • I just did day 3 last night. I way better after I did it than before. All day I was so sore and going down stairs was the worst! But when I got home and did the workout it was so much easier to get around. I was very surprised!
  • I think there is a meal plan that comes with the actual dvd and that's the only difference. But I feel like as long as I'm trying to eat "cleaner" and stay under my calories I will still get some good results
  • I've been setting goals every week to do more. I've started walking in the morning when I get to work (I get here super early since me and my husband carpool) and now I'm doing the 30 day shred challenge. I just turn on the Beyoncé pandora station and think about how awesome I'm gonna look!
    in ? Comment by Heydew May 2015
  • I'm super tired today but not crazy sore or anything! When did jumping jacks get so hard!
  • Hi! 25 5'6" SW 220 CW 210 GW 150 married and a mom of a little boy (2) and a baby girl (10 months)