Heydew Member


  • I just finished day 4 at 12 g of sugar! The cravings were real today though even though I physically feel better! But I persevered even with a coworker bring in delicious looking boberry biscuits from bojangles that sat on a table directly behind my desk! And the candy bowl in my supervisors office may had been talking to…
  • I'm not cutting out all sugar. I'm sticking to staying less than 25 g a day and not for forever. The first two days I was around 18 g and today I came in at 8 g. I'm just trying to adjust my cravings. Then I'll start eating fruits again. Cuz as you said sugar is not poison. And I will say, day three I felt pretty good.…
  • Day 1: "ok this isn't that bad, I got this" Day 2: "is this what a drug addict feels like?" Now I wonder what kind of day tomorrow will be!
  • That's amazing! Makes me feel like I'm making a good decision! I'm not a big fruit eater to begin with! I like, but every once in a while. I do plan to add fruit back slowly once I lose the cravings!
  • I'm loving Pokemon go! I've been playing Pokemon since way back so I was stoked for this. I'm easily hitting my step goal everyday! Yesterday I went for a walk downtown during lunch and after work we took the kids to a playground that has a huge war memorial next to it. One of us chased the kids around while the other hit…
    in Pokemon Go Comment by Heydew July 2016
  • I'm not taking it for weight loss, just trying to get healthy which includes a healthy gut! :) I just was wondering if anyone has experienced the "benefits" of taking it like they advertise. I bought the brand "renew" which is a 30 billion count. I take it at night so I usually have food on my stomach. But I wasn't told…
    in Probiotic Comment by Heydew October 2015
  • Yeah I saw that it helps with the healthy bacteria. So that's good to know since I recently had to take antibiotics (which kills bacteria, good and bad, which can result in yeast infections)
    in Probiotic Comment by Heydew October 2015
  • "Did you know obesity is considered a disease?" This is the way my doctor brought it up. I think that was the straw that broke the camels back. I've been very down about my self esteem for a while. I hated the way I looked in clothes. I hated all the folds of fat I had. I didn't want people to look at my husband and I and…
  • When people who usually don't make any comments on anybody's appearance say "every time you walk by my office you are smaller" :) or "you are disappearing!"
  • Thanks guys. I appreciate knowing I'm not the only one and the motivation really helps. Just got to keep working towards the goal and stay positive!
  • Just got mine tonight! So excited to use it! Add me so we can motivate each other! https://www.fitbit.com/user/3JTW82
  • Woo I bit the bullet and went ahead and got it! Super excited!
  • I have an iphone 6 plus....I feel you there. I think I will try to convince my husband to let me go ahead and get one. I mean im at -21 lbs and that is a great accomplishment right! We will have to see what he says.
  • That's awesome! I have an iPhone 6 plus that already counts my steps and syncs them to MFP and it has helped me tremendously! I have a desk job that is business casual though and sometimes I don't have a pocket (or one big enough) for my phone so it gets left at my desk :(. I'm so very close to -30lbs that I feel like…
  • I understand that being healthy is the best reward. But this started for me when I thought, "i really want a Fitbit" I knew my husband would not be excited for me to drop 160 dollars on it right then and there (I have a past of making purchases and then not using them) so I came up with it being a reward of hitting -30…
  • In the beginning it's hard to get out of bad eating habits! But it's not impossible! I had a rough time saying no to tasty treats and pigging out but after the first two weeks of torture it got easier. Now after two months I don't nearly as much as I used to and actually feel great if I turn down a soda or junk food. Proud…
  • Yay! That's so great!
  • It's actually for a contest for a conference I'm going to. If you guess the band that is playing at the client celebration you get put in a drawing for a meet and greet with them.
  • No it was for a contest thingy for work! I figured it out though, it's Train.
  • But he's not the lead singer of rage against the machine....
  • I'm 25 and I have 55 more lbs to lose! I have already lost around 20! Feel free to add me!
  • Maybe it's a combination of the infection and 30 day shred....I just went to a Zumba class (I kept it pretty light) but now I'm home with the heat pack on it. Hopefully it will be back to normal soon!
    in Knees hurt? Comment by Heydew June 2015
  • Thanks everybody! It's not horrible pain as it is more aches. But I have two small children and when I got to pick them up I really feel it. Hopefully it will heal soon. I did do the modified version and I feel I do pretty well listening to my body so I don't think it's an injury. Thanks for all the input though! And I…
    in Knees hurt? Comment by Heydew June 2015
  • I have an apt soon with my doctor for a follow up anyway.... Just was curious if it may have happened to anyone else.
    in Knees hurt? Comment by Heydew June 2015
  • I was doing the 30 day shred but had stopped due to a upper respiratory infection. But they didn't start hurting till a few days later. I have barely exercised since they started to hurt just because of the infection. Maybe the lack of exercising and stretching?
    in Knees hurt? Comment by Heydew June 2015
  • This week is the beginning of the biggest loser contest at work so I'm excited and ready to bring my A game. For this week I want to: 1. Drink at least 8 cups of water 2. Exercise at least 3 times this week 3. Be as active as I possible can be (I have a desk job)
  • Not eating and Stress. May sound odd but I was working two jobs, being a mom of 2 under 3, and the lack of sleep I still kept packing on the weight! I would end up killing a bag of candy at my evening job instead eating real food. The stress (or a better word would be anxiety) was keeping me awake at night cuz my mind…
  • My nutritionist gave me a paper with green, yellow, and red foods. I wish I knew where I put it....basically trying to eat better foods that you get the most benefit out of. But anyway I will say chocolate chip cookies are my weakness! I have to stay away or I will eat all of them! I understand that I can fit them into my…