Sigh... I guess this is why I never join in online discussions - I forgot how many people out there love to hear the sounds of their own ignorant little fingers typing unwarranted advise and snide comments. Thank you to those who just shared a little friendly advise and recipe info - much appreciated. The others - enjoy…
Good book. As manager of a health food store for three years I had many customers with wonderful success stories for various uses. I am a believer. I love the stuff.
I'm following the alkaline diet (of which I have done extensive research on, I have seen both of our alkaline levels increase dramatically) in support of my friend that I shop and prepare meals for who has stage 4 cancer. Its something we are trying. Its temporary for me. I don't follow fads I am into natural health and…
Yes I eat lots of legumes / beans! I don't do grains - try to avoid gluten. And sugar. I use only stevia.
Anything acidic - to keep the body's PH in balance. Cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment - so I'm trying to keep my foods mostly average to high alkalinity. Lots of lists on line - you would be surprised at what foods are and are not acidic. A list I use sometimes is this one:…