WestgalCA Member


  • I still have two of these in the freezer, so I'll try the mozzarella next. I have a bag of it, shredded and low fat, in the fridge and really hope it helps. The meat in this dinner is a lot better than it was when it was a Chef's Table entrée. There is more, and it isn't tough and full of gristle like it used to be. The…
  • I tried it with the rice vinegar last night, and it didn't take away the bitterness. :( I still ate it, of course, but it wasn't at all enjoyable.
  • Why don't you start a thread for the ones you want to talk about? I think many of us have tried almost everything...I know I have over the many years I've used NS. Is there any particular meal you wonder about? :)
    in Thanks Comment by WestgalCA May 2015
  • I think the steak part of this meal is much improved over the old version, but I don't care the rest of it. The spinach seems to give a bitter taste to the couscous. I ordered four of these and have eaten two so far. I'm trying to think of how the bitterness might be fixed. ?
  • Absolutely!!!
  • Thanks! I hope this is a safe place, free from the . . . well, you know. ;)
  • Hi, Rick! I've missed all of you! :)
  • Hi, AT!! Long time, no nuttin'! :)
  • I'm here again. I still can't get age off my profile. Is there somewhere to mark it to not show. At least I lost 10 years when I reregistered! I was 45...now 35. By the end of the day, I should be back in the womb.