dillschnick Member


  • I recently had the sleeve but I also had the curveball thrown at me of being diagnosed with celiac disease at the same time. How have you adjusted your meal planning to accommodate your new stomach size as well as feed your family?
  • I just had the sleeve on 4/21/15. How are you doing with it this far out?
  • Thank you everyone for your responses. It's such an overwhelming thing to come to terms with. I'm grateful that I'm still on a liquid only diet for the next four or five weeks so it gives me time to make the adjustments in my kitchen and pantry and maybe try a few recipes out on my girls and see if we can get away with…
  • Wow. Thank you ladies for sharing. My husband and I are discussing just everything going gluten free so we don't have to worry about this cross contamination thing. Have any of you had your children tested? That was one thing that stuck out to me was that this is hereditary.
  • Thank you for all that. I will definitely have a lot of questions for the specialist on Wednesday. I know basically nothing about this condition other than what I've read online which can scare the bejesus out of you. This is a recent diagnosis (the last week) and it was handed to me the day before I had weight loss…
  • Contaminated? I'm really confused. I thought gluten was through ingesting the food itself, not through anything that may have come into contact with.
  • I don't know how much your dr told you about this disease but mine has scared the crap out of me. I just had wl surgery this week and, in the labs and studies before the surgery, it was discovered that I have celiac disease as well. Get the gluten out now and keep it out for good!!! It is doing such major harm to your…