You look amazing! What dedication! What would be your top tips for weight loss success?
Completely reminds me of my own inner battles. Hoping I will learn as you did so I can finally learn to be at peace with myself. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It's truly wonderful and poignant.
Wow! What an amazing story! Thanks so much for sharing it!
Outstanding! Thanks for sharing your journey. It's helpful to people like me who struggled all their lives. Very inspiring!
Obviously late to the party with this posting, but I just started last week. I found this post incredibly helpful and so reasonable. Thank you so very much for taking the time to write this.
That sounds delicious!!!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much everyone for the great tips. I just want to start properly. I've had way too many failures in the weight loss arena and I'm determined to get it right!
Thank you so much!
Love popcorn! I'm allergic to microwave due to the fake butter so I make my own on the stove. I guess I'd have to calculate the calories by amount of kernels used to pop and oil.
Oooooo...I forgot about laughing cow cheese. That's good stuff. Never thought of cereal. Guess I thought it was "bad" as it is mostly carbs. I was also afraid of peanut butter being "bad" because of fat and sugar. Nice to know it's an option.
Well, I just finished day two! Thrilled to read about your success so far!
I love crunchy things! I also love cheese but I'm afraid it's too many calories.
Sorry, trying to figure out how to ask a question on this thread. Can anyone see your diary?!? Does this mean anyone can see my weight and other information?!?
Does this mean anyone can see my diary?!?!