NoelKingwell Member


  • Killing it My Dude!!!! Way to go!
  • Post Bday Week Camping Trip Update: My last weigh in of my 30s was 169 lbs, which put me just past the 40 lbs Lost mark. Left that day for a week at Prince Albert National Park here in Sask and enjoyed a week of Birthday Cake, Pizza, BBQ Burgers, Campfire Hotdogs and of course Roasted Marshmallows. I wanted to let myself…
  • @Tic78 Fingers crossed I don't eat myself into a sugar coma! Lol @happimess01 I started out at 1700-1800 and have increased to 2100, 100 Cal's at a time, as my activity increased and my bodyfat dropped. If I have to guess, I'll end up around 2500 for maintenance. Increasing incrementally until I find that equalibrium.
  • I started going to the gym in my teens and worked and managed gyms in my mid-20s. As an adult, I've yoyo'd up and down to as heavy as 230. I got into decent shape about 7 years ago and have maintained 190-200 until the pandemic. I just don't have the attention span or patience to hit the gym for longer than a half-hour, so…
  • Thanks :) I used to claim to be 6' but recently I've had 2 separate Doctors assure me that I am indeed closer to 5'11". lol