ahayes7768 Member


  • Well I've been lifting a few months (although considering I knew nothing about it when I started and googled most of my wrong info) I would say beginner is an understatement lol. I will do what was suggested of me from ndj the first time. (Setting my goals to lose 0.5 a week ) my only problem with that is I have a hard…
  • Hey lol that's what I've been doing and not even realizing it lol. I've already been doing it a few months (that's why I said a few months) however I didn't realize the process was so longand assumed I was doing something wrong so a few days ago I changed my goals on here to gain a half a pound a week which I will now be…
  • Okay everyone thank you so much for advice but no I'm not trying to lose weight I really just wanted to maybe gain a few pounds of muscle ( pretty sure im at a healthy weight already for my size) And when I say good in carbs, its because I don't like to put trash in my body lol I'm the one that won't eat high fructose corn…
  • Yes I never thought of that. I'm really into leafy veggies like lettuce, broccli cauliflower etc, sure I couls switch it up! Thank you!
  • Well I'm deff doing it wrong as I have no idea what that means, I'm in school and have part time job can't afford a personal trainer so try to educate myself online about it. Sadly so much of it is wrong. However I'm 5'2 weigh 125 and still have a little tummy that I want to be a 6 pack in a few months lol so I'm gonna…
  • Potatoes! Yes love it! Corn as well! Thanks!
  • Sorry forgot to mention that I'm trying to build muscle. Prettt sure I nees carbs for that..
  • l
  • Mary Luna that actually sounds like a great idea! I would use a sugar cube but that is great will deff try that thank you! Also thank you to everyone giving me tea recipes I'm not a citrus fan but I was thinking of buying the flavored tea and making it myself with a little added fruit. I do love fruit but it's hard to find…
  • You may not be able to pick where u gain weight however I ran track hard in highschool from like 9th grade till I was 19, I was never a skinny person to begin with but I had buns of steel lol and to make sure I didn't get a flabby stomach (as much as I ran i didn't diet at all so i ate fast food or whatever I wanted which…
  • Great! :) I've added you and we can help each other ! Congrats on the 25 by the way! :) (I have very high blood pressure and on meds for it, hereditary so I'm also looking for low sodium things and my dad has had 4 strokes, he cut out red meat all together and he walks daily at least 3 miles to try and keep himself…
  • Sorry maybe I wasn't clear I dont in any way think the sugar is not making me lose weight, no I gained these extra 10lbs back over winter (well I weighed 126 last summer ) and just had to get back on track because at the end of winter I weighed 137so I've already lost a few lbs no I just want a 6 pack as well and was told…
  • Tea Bea thank you that is great advice! :-D I usually don't eat much fruit through out the day maybe a banana and on rare occasion oranges (good fruit that's not mushy is hard to find near me) so most of the sugar i consume is from Candy's and soda and tea or I wouldn't worry about it, and also I'm trying for a six pack so…
  • I actually drink a lot of water as it is I meant to get the sweet fix I apparently want so bad, with 1 can tea totaling 180 calories and 48 grams of sugar, willing to try anything.. can you give me since examples of berry infused teas? And sugar free gum would be a great step off eating skittles and now and laters all day!…