pkroyle Member


  • I loooove bulk barn. lots of options for nuts and flowers. Mine also has local made cheese in the back section. I also buy Tamari (soya sauce alternative - soya sauce is made with malt vinegar, which has gluten) and my bulk barn recently started carrying coconut aminos as well.
  • If I have more than one drink, it does knock me out of ketosis, but I can get back into it quicker than had I cheated with actual food. For example, if I have 2 glasses of wine at night, the next morning my keto stick is negative, but by later that day I'm back to a moderate reading (which is as high as I ever get bc I…
    in Alcohol Comment by pkroyle June 2015
  • I also forgot to mention....from the book Well Fed....they have a chart that shows any nutrient that you get from grain you CAN get from vegetables. And like a normal amount of vegetables, not if you ate a bucket of them. So you really don't need grains. Also look up "grain brain" and documentaries like "King corn", "food…
  • Congrats on your success so far! For me, the more research and information I gain, plus not only weight loss, but the way I feel makes it worth it for me to continue basically forever. I don't have huge weight loss goals (less than 10 lbs), but as a full time working mom, this just works for me. Sugar and carbs are a huge…
  • What about smooties? You can get vegan protein powders made from brown rice. I'm not sure if you can find one that meets all of your requirements? You can add avacado and spinach, frozen berries, coconut water or coconut oil to them even. And goat milk yogurt to thicken it? My naturopath had me off of eggs, dairy and…
  • I need keto friends too....a bunch of you guys are going to be getting some friend requests!! lol Stay away from the pizza!!! lol Check out fathead changing! Pizza is my one weakness as well and fathead pizza is ah-mazing.
  • I found this list that helps me choose which veggies to eat. I was surprised to find out how many carbs were in my favourite veggies. I've heard in a podcast once that veggies should only be eaten as a vehicle for butter. lol
  • Good Job!!! :smiley:
  • Awesome!! :smiley:
    in It works! Comment by pkroyle May 2015
  • It's makes the macros bigger because it's a percentage of your calories, which increases when you add exercise. :)
  • From what I understand, as a woman trying to lose weight it's best to limit yourself to one carb meal, like a sweet potato or have some ice cream after your regular day. Start small like that or you may end up gaining weight on the weekend then spending a whole week trying to lose it.
  • CABBAGE STIR FRY 1 lb ground beef 1 lb ground pork 1/2 package of bacon 1 small head of cabbage (or half a really big one) chopped into bite sized peices 1/2 cup Frank's Hot Buffalo sauce 1 tsp spicey red chili sauce 4 cloves of garlic 1 small onion, chopped I use a huge pot and throw in my onions, garlic, beef and pork. I…
  • I'm only hoping to lose my last 10 lb of baby weight, so I don't have a lot to lose. I have been Paleo in the past and decided to go strictly LCHF to lose the weight. I swear for over a month I've been losing and gaining the same 2 lbs. However I've stuck with it because I feel so much better, sleep better and have energy…
  • Awesome!!!
  • I would love to join as well! :smile: My name is Pamela Royle
  • I'm 5'1 as well and have my calories set to a little over 1300. I think my diary is open so feel free to take a look at my foods and macros. I don't feel hungry throughout the day because I make sure to eat alot of fat (I think 150g is my goal), which i find keeps me satiated. Yesterday, for example, my daughter had swim…
  • I've had similiar unexplained hives as well. They came and went for about a week. I was seeing a naturopath at the time and cut out wheat, dairy and sugar all at once. The hives covered my entire body, they were so nasty looking and I even went to my family Dr for an explanation. Nobody had an answer for me. I figured it…
    in Hives? Comment by pkroyle May 2015
  • Awesome job!! You look so much slimmer! It's so nice to see that reinforcement!
  • Could be carb flu symptoms, especially if you binged a couple of days ago. The more crap you put into your body, the more detox it has to go through. It's only day 2, so give it more time! You might also get headaches, nausea and general feelings of angriness. If candida is dying it will make you crave sugar to feed it.…
  • I make BP pods.....1 cup cocnut oil & 1 stick (1/4 cup) of unsalted butter (grass fed does not exist where I live). I melt it all together in the microwave, then pour into a mini muffin tin, freeze for 30 min, then pop them out and keep them in a container in my fridge. It makes about 20 pods. I use a single sized protein…
  • I usually have a boiled egg, turkey sausage and 1/2 an avacado. I don't eat until i get to work as well, but I have my bulletproof coffee on my drive. I didn't have any eggs this morning, so I had roasted chicken meat with olive oil & balsamic and 1/2 an avacado...all cold. :smile: Bacon is also delish cold!
  • I'm assuming you're female? If your BMI is so low, it might be time to start adding more carbs into your diet. You mentioned you live in Asia....rice is the second best form of starch you can eat after sweet potatoes. When no appetite has hit me in the past, I started adding sweet potato to my breakfast and helped me feel…
  • Emotional eating may make you feel better in the short term, but you'll regret it after the sugar high wears off and you feel like *kitten* from eating so much sugar! If you like, cheese, maybe treat yourself to some expensive smelly cheese? Go out for a walk or a run! If he has a good reason to not text you, then great,…
  • you just need bigger jars! lol
  • Hi! I'm not new to low carb, but new to this community. I'm so happy to have found support and non-judgmental place to ask questions and brain storm! I'm also sending out friend requests to build a support network! :blush:
  • Keep at it, you're doing a great job! I took a quick peek at your diary and it could be the dairy, but you're also eating alot of processed meats. If you look at the ingredients you'll probably notice sugar as an added ingredient. I don't know much about the calorie thing, but if you're not exersicing, 2000 might be too…
  • Also, make sure you're eating enough will keep you satisfied! I eat like 1/2 an avacado with breakfast and lunch. I didn't eat it today at breakfast and noticed a huge lag in my energy today during my lunch time workout!
  • I do find that I need to track my calories to lose weight, but I need to eat "enough" and it varies on how much I work out that day as well. It's a balance to not eat too many calories, but also eat enough to keep my metabolism going and not go into starvation mode. Regarding your sweet tooth, I would recommend doing this…
  • 1 lb ground prok, 1 lb ground beef, 1/2 lb of bacon and a head of cabbage. I pour if hot sauce and spices of my liking and call it cabbage stir fry! I do all my cooking for the week on sunday so I always have food on hand or easy to reheat. I work full time and have a kid, so time management is key for me. I even like to…
  • I make balsamic kale good!