stormfront98 Member


  • proper eating habits, cut back on carbs and the sneak food indulgence .. pizza .. beer... soft drinks cut the high sugars and bread ..etc.. lean meats like turkey chicken or the other white meat.. cardio, and work in some kettle ball exercises , bench press .. chest .. flys..
  • keep going.. do not stop
  • Clifton New Jersey and Poconos Pennsylvania
  • Unmotivated: While we love to see the gloss pages or the on line ads of hot sexy celebrities and beautiful models graced in style with curves and flawless skin. That is great but for a good portion of the average everyday working people who struggle with weight, exercise cube dwellers behind a pc some with children those…
  • Fridays the cheat and day off. The usual domestic chores and yard work on the weekend will compensate not bench pressing
  • That is so sad that people in general and in health care more so can be so narrow minded and incredibly ignorant towards others. Good you for filing a complaint, for standing your ground. No tears for the strong! the only one who was truly humiliated was the tech with the attitude and rude behavior Clearly any person with…
  • The sell it at Vitamin Shop reasonably priced I am not sure if the weight loss happens fast acting or if is slow acting but to be sure of any supplement I would recommend reading the ingredients and what other additives in that supplement , Do some research , use WebMD or Vitamin shop for supplement information if your…
  • gloves are a most have .. protect the hands.. so the question above what am I doing.. programming this Vivofit 2 to track my activity I am sure its not 100% accurate but its close enough .. just getting it up and set .. a bit of time
  • good day .. hows things progressing
  • \ Joe Manganiello I had the opportunity to meet him, He came in to my gym to work out actually I didn't recognize him at first, looks familiar etc but it was him, the guy is very cool and incredibly dedicated to keeping fit and built He does an incredible work out. he looks way bigger in person then in the photos.. and tall
  • Sorry you have a very emotional and stressing situation I really don't get the Asexual thing that is easily tossed around by many people. How long you have been in this current relationship we aren't sure. WHat is a red flag is refusing couple counseling, since the signs in your own behavior plunged and as you mentioned…
  • Hitting the gym after work 5:00pm going to do back and legs today and run on the treadmill ending with a vertical teeter . I use to enjoying running but now I am more distracted with forcing myself to focus more . tried music and tv and people watching as I ran but just that uggggg after a freaking mile lol.. I may have to…
  • most of the gyms locally do not have pools.. liability and irresponsible members . like steam rooms do not exist either cost of maintaining and member negligence
  • It is tea green black or red nothing will burn the weight other then proper eating and cardio. tea may have some benefits in keeping warm taste and antioxidants but all the rest is media hype in sensationalism .. can you lose weight from drinking tea.. same as drinking 8 glasses of plain water..
  • Bartonsville here....
  • I believe we all have goals in managing our weight and walking the line without obsessing over it . If you want to keep motivated for a few months seasonal take out that outfit you look absolutely hot in.. if it still fits and looks great. perfect keep maintaining but if your feeling the tight with your face turning red..…
  • interesting part about " nude beaches" clothing optional.. you do not have to fully undress if your uncomfortable but once you adjust to your surroundings just like anything else just doesn't phase anyone . To each there own.. when in rome .. do as your must comfortable.. but dont make the majority uncomfortable..
  • Something by Tamara Thorne like Candle Bay or The Haunter or Moonfall.