jemmadawnej Member


  • Thanks again everyone. We have a plan! I chatted with my 16yo nephew, and he asked my son to go to boxing with him. I nearly dropped when he agreed - and was even excited about it. There are kids there around his age, and the older kids work with them, all under the supervision of the gym trainers. They don't have matches…
  • @deaniac83 he started gaining weight around grade 4...just a little pudge, and I thought "oh well, he'll stretch out, going to have a growth spurt". Well he did stretch out, but kept some weight on. Would be the same with each one it seemed... He has a good group of friends, but one does seem to be hung up on my son's…
  • Lol....I'm still waiting for the soap part to happen.
  • Awesome :). Now I just need to scare up his Wendy :). I wonder if Kate Upton is available? According to our Google search history, he likes her, lol!
  • Oh believe me, I got my own 40lbs and then some. You'd think my own struggle to lose weight would give me some better insight into what's going on with him....I guess it boils down to my trying not to shag it up and make weight a total hangup for him.
  • I really appreciate all the feedback! Thank you all very much for taking the time to respond
  • The TV/video game limits aren't going well, but I'm sticking to that part. Way too much screen time. Last weekend I told him if he wanted to play his iPod, he had to do it on the exercise long as he was moving on a rainy Saturday, I was happy, lol. Mind you, he wasn't moving too fast
  • That sounds interesting.….my guy doesn't care for fruit, but he loves crunchy veggies. I try to have veggie sticks available in the fridge, and he does eat that. I just have to try to help him choose that option more often.
  • Lol @geotrice
  • This mom crap is hard.
  • He did when he was younger, and we worked through that then. I guess the behaviour then was so different than right now, I didn't really associate them. It has been a long time since any obvious issues with his adoption have surfaced, I'm probably putting the blinkers on
  • He absolutely has had food issues...he would hoard when we first adopted him, but haven't seen that issue since he was 4
  • I don't think we're on the same page here....if there are unhealthy snacks available, he does not moderate. He will eat them before I get home. So, a total junk food ban? Or limiting them by doling them out on my terms? If I dole them out in controlled portions, I'm saying I will absolutely have to hide the rest so it's…
  • Um...that's not what I meant....I meant if I kept some treats, I'd have to make sure he can't find them...not that I'm sneaking them. I was addressing the total junkfood ban issue.
  • Thank you! If I keep any unhealthy snacks, I'm going to have to hide them well....but I agree, a total restriction isn't good. I am dieting, and trying my best to portray it as a healthier lifestyle, so I hope it comes off like that. My bmi is obese, and I'm trying my best to lead by example, but nothing seems to be…
  • That's exactly what I'm scared of. I need all the suggestions I can get on how to make this transition into a healthier lifestyle without hurting his self esteem. Thanks so much for sharing your experience!
  • He's 5'6" around 200lbs
  • There, edited