Tbris4 Member


  • Beginning Weight: 165.1 February Start Weight: 160 February Goal Weight: 154 Revised February Goal: 148 Ultimate Goal Weight: 135 February 1: 160 February 8: 152.6 February 15: 155.2 February 22: 155.2 Holding steady. Today was my birthday, so gave myself a treat day. Not a loss but okay with the fact that I’m close to my…
  • Beginning Weight: 165.1 February Start Weight: 160 February Goal Weight: 154 Revised February Goal: 148 Ultimate Goal Weight: 135 February 1: 160 February 8: 152.6 February 15: 155.2 Stress at work has been high and unfortunately found myself falling back into old habits, including stress eating. Based on this weeks gain,…
  • Beginning Weight: 165.1 February Start Weight: 160 February Goal Weight: 154 Revised February Goal: 148 Ultimate Goal Weight: 135 February 1: 160 February 8: 152.6 February 15: February 22: February 28: Going into the last week of January I was floating around 155. Then we took a trip to Vegas. Although I didn’t over…
  • February Start Weight: 160 February Goal Weight: 154 Ultimate Goal Weight: 135 February 1: 160 February 8: February 15: February 22: February 28: Joined for the first time in January and found the accountability and posts helpful! Looking forward to another month!
  • January Starting Weight: 165.1 January Goal Weight: 159 Ultimate Goal Weight: 135 January 1: 165.1 January 8: 159.2 January 15: 157.6 January 22: 157.0 January 29: January 31: 160 Sorry for the late post, but I will be joining the Feb group!! Ended the month slightly up, but mostly because of a trip to Vegas….good shows…
  • January Starting Weight: 165.1 January Goal Weight: 159 Ultimate Goal Weight: 135 January 1: 165.1 January 8: 159.2 January 15: 157.6 January 22: 157.0 Making progress and feeling good about where I am right now. My diet has been cleaned up and my water intake is improving. Next step is working to incorporate more steps…
  • January starting weight: 165.1 January goal weight: 159 Ultimate goal weight: 135 January 1: 165.1 January 8: 159.2 January 15: 157.6 Not down as much as I would have hoped, but still making progress! Been experimenting with mocktails since I’m trying to limit alcohol; am I the only person who didn’t know tonic water is…
  • January starting weight: 165.1 January goal weight: 159 Ultimate goal weight: 135 January 1: 165.1 January 8: 159.2 Hubby and I are working to clean up our diet. We overhauled our pantry and cleaned out anything that didn’t serve a healthy purpose, and planned out our meals for the week. I definitely need to work on water…
  • I have used MFP on and off for years for tracking, but first time joining a group. I’m 50 yrs old; 5’4. I’ve watched my weight slowly creep upwards over the years, but gained 25 pounds this last year alone. It’s time to rethink how I’m approaching my health. January Start Weight: 165.1 January Goal Weight: 159 Ultimate…