bknopf001 Member


  • I jump up. But I set the box at 20 inches instead of 24 for men Rx. At 5 foot 8 and 27% Body Fat it is just too difficult to do the 24 inch for reps. Maybe after I slim down to 15% body fat or grow another 4 inches. Which ever comes first.
  • Adding to this thread. Yesterday my Box did only Handstand walks. I debated not showing up. I cannot Handstand Walk and of course could not even "Kick Up" on the wall either. Basically still doing wall walks. I did one Kick Up on the Wall two months ago but could not repeat it even though I tried. Yesterday my coach just…
  • Hope I don't ever commit homicide for a burger. Glad others are basically estimating like I am given calories burned for similar exercises at same intensity and duration. 200 per WOD seems a good average for me counting WOD and warm up.