Hi ladies, do you stick to the three meals and two snacks? I am more of a grazer...
Hi Everyone, I'm returning to SSd after a long time away, I lost 25pds the first time and kept it off for about 3 years. I am married with three kids. Please add me as a friend so we can motivate one another! Im looking for female friends only.
Hi , I do 30/40/30
Hi, I also had no luck with higher fat, I do 50/30/20 and that has worked out great. I WO every day and run about 6-8 miles every weekend. I also stick to about -300 to loose but if I do any less, I am less lean.
A steamable bag of mixed veggies, salsa, and a can of chicken. It's only like 250 calories and super filling!
Thanks, everyone! I think I will start with the MFP pre-sets and then tweak like you all suggested. I will report back! PS Great article Carlos_421
Hey thanks, everyone! The whole thing about the calorie deficit argument is, what about fat? You can eat 1200 calories with 50 grams of fat or 15. That's I guess why I'm looking for Macros.... Thank you all for your thoughts and feedback