EricE123P Member


  • I recently started and it's worked great so far. Do you have a specific amount of carbs you want to stay under? Because you don't have to kill yourself, eat proportions. I looove chips, so I set up a couple of sandwich bags to the recommended serving size. Helped with the cravings.
  • 1 banana 1cup of milk Then you blend together. (Optional) 1 raw egg Flavored protein powder Peanut butter Or you could add it all together and it keeps me full all throughout the day.
  • I like a protein milkshake. Made with a banana, about a cup of milk, a raw egg, and a scoop of protein powder. The shake normally keeps me full throughout the day.
  • Eggs, fish, chicken. Cottage cheese is a great source of casein protein as well. I personally like drinking protein shakes as a post workout meal.
    in Protien Comment by EricE123P May 2015