I'm sure you know this already but do not supplement with iron unless you've had blood work done that shows you need it. As someone else said it can be harmful if you don't actual need it.
Thank you! I actually bought powerblock weights the other day and love them so far. They only go up to 24# per dumbbell but that's plenty enough for now. I've also started doing the dumbbell only program on the Jefit app ... Love it too.
Lol cute :) . I ended up deleting the app and reinstalled it. All fixed.
What basic equipment do I need? Would love to start lifting at home. I'm a woman, 45 years old. Could stand to lose about 10 lbs. Awesome post. Thank you! Christine
Well I'm not pregnant. THANK GOD. I started this morning. So these new symptoms I've had the last couple of years must be perimenopause.
Oh my goodness I hope not! I don't 'feel' pregnant. That may sound silly but I remember feeling differently when I was. Were you using any birth control? My tubes are tied... Hubby's not fixed
I too started having pms symptoms at about 40, irritability mostly. I chalked it up to having my tubes tied. But maybe it was indeed perimenopause. Still haven't started my period, it will be two weeks late on Tuesday. I've been very irritable, and hot tempered lately
Count / keep track of calories at first. It works.
Are you counting your calories too? That's what works for me to lose.
Almond butter with baked cinnamon apples. Yum
- workouts for every level
Well I hope it is perimenopause because if it's something else... Well I don't even want to go there!
That's helpful thank you. I've had dizziness but usually during my period, likely due to anemia I was diagnosed with a few years ago which I take iron for. I have had irritability for the last few years before my period. Lately it's been kind of random though, sometimes during or before ovulation.
I wish I knew what peri menopause is supposed to feel like. My period is always right on time, every 28 days. This month I'm a week late, have had very mild on gong cramping. I've had pms symptoms ( irritability mostly) the last few years. Anyway, I don't know what to think! I will be 46 in a couple months
Completely agree. I do believe everything in moderation but this one is really hard to justify, even in moderation. Might as well eat canned frosting as someone else said. I know the statement 'sugar is evil' sounds funny and maybe a little exaggerated but really, it is not far from the truth. If you research what sugar…
Stay away from it. It's full of sugar. Sugar is evil
And it's national chocolate chip cookie day!
Also make sure you're eating sensible snacks in between meals. No need to let yourself get hungry. It's very possible and still stay within your calorie limit.
Get a check up from your doctor just to be sure everything is good also request a blood panel done. Check thyroid levels mineral levels iron levels... I too have PMS which I never had in my 30s found out a couple years ago I was anemic which helped with PMS symptoms a lot. That said, DON'T take iron unless you actually…