wholesometemptress Member


  • I too have a "spirited" two year old ! ;) I just joined MFP. I have lost the weight I gained during pregnancy, but cannot lose anymore and was already 20 pounds over weight! I struggle the most on weekends and during "that of the month"! This mom stuff is HARD... This week I have tried really hard to log every bite and it…
  • I run into the same issues . When I have a stressful day with my 2 year old, I end up "rewarding" myself with sweets and junk. It's a vicious cycle. I just started using MyFitnessPal, so maybe this will help hold me accountable.
  • Girl, I FEEL you! I'm in the same boat with my weight and the sweets cravings. I feel like this came on like a freight train after having kids. I workout 5 days a week and I'm starting to think that my intense workouts are increasing my hunger. Also, I think the sleep deprivation for going on like 24+ months has definitely…