HollywoodXL Member


  • Thank you guys a ton. I will definitely be referring back to this post often and taking in all of your suggestions. Having not been vegetarian for 28 years I'm still learning the best alternatives and nutrient replacements. Thank you all for your input. PS: Hilarious about the "cold turkey".
  • I'm looking to lose 70-80. Just take it day by day and step by step. You have a bunch of people here who are serious about supporting others so check in often and keep us updated.
  • Thanks Ryry...I've been at it for 4 months now so in pretty much passed that initial suffering from lack of protein. I have a friend who is vegan and also helps me out with replacing missed nutrients. It's nice to meet you and I look forward to hearing your input and progress. WORK IT OUT!!!!
  • Look forward to hearing from you all! 4 month vegetarian on a journey from 290-200