jpstokes7 Member


  • Keep your head up and continue to reassure yourself that your doing the right thing, Talk to friends and family about how your feeling as well if you haven't already. It may help.
  • Keep your head up and continue to reassure yourself that your doing the right thing, Talk to friends and family about how your feeling as well if you haven't already. It may help.
  • What do you mean by awful? Are you feeling sick,bloated? I haven't had an eating disorder but I can tell you that I didn't eat well and changing my diet had me feeling pretty rough for about a week until I got used to eating a lot of food.
  • I started this using this app and a 5x5 strength variation around March 25, I just hit 161 this week. So just over a month. It's alot of weight fairly quick and I expect to gain some fat but i'll take a little fat over being 148.
    in need help Comment by jpstokes7 May 2015
  • I was in a similar situation, I started at 148 and my goal is 180, So far i'm at 160. I had a very poor diet before I started this. I drink a lot of whole milk, eat meat, nuts, Greek yogurt, pasta, cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter, etc. I'm taking in around 3200 to 3500 calories a day to gain weight, it's a bit ridiculous.
    in need help Comment by jpstokes7 May 2015