I really enjoyed ww while I had my leader, but when she left it was done. I've found good community here just in the first few days, so I think it will be a very good alternative. I like the calories vs points also.
80 pounds is very inspiring! I love to see others doing well. It gives a great push. I think I got everyone added and can't wait to start giving any receiving mommy motivation!
Thanks. =) I don't know how the moms who work do it. I'm swamped with just the babies. (Terrible 2x2's are setting in quickly). Hats off to mommies who can do it all!
Will do. How great of you to be a surrogate for your friend! I gained 65 with the twins (a lot of water with eclampsia), but it took a long while to lose it. I'm now 60 pounds lighter than prepregnancy, but still have about 30 pounds left to go.
Thanks for the add! You guys are awesome.
- have to be so busy. I hope you get a nap every now and then sweetiepiestef! My little boy had reflux really bad and now a severe egg and peanut allergy that's been kind of difficult.
Haha. YES! I do squats while I'm folding laundry. May look ridiculous but makes me laugh when the babies join in. I'm so glad to see so many other moms who are taking the time and doing something for themselves.
I'd love to. I'm fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom. It really helped with my initial weight loss, but it's getting more difficult as naps get fewer and further between. Not much dedicated workout time.
Four babes? I'm sure you're a busy mom with lots of good insight and advice. Will add. =)
I definitely need the accountability. Plus, it does me a lot of good to see that other people have worked out and done well...little bit competitive by nature.
My leader actually retired after a year. I had lost 111 pounds, but it cut me deep when she left. I've gained a bit back, but trying to get it under control before I'm too far gone. I agree with liking the macros more. Some people may be able to eat whatever they want in moderation and still lose but I have to cut down…
Alright. =) ignorance in numbers has to be better than ignorance on our own! We will learn together!
I know that feeling all too well. I'd lost 111 pounds ( only 4 pounds from goal) then completely fell off. I gained about 30 pounds back and now I'm trying to get back. It's so disappointing to have been that close and then let it slip away. Sent a request so we can get back on track together!
I'm a mom of 22 month old twins with exactly 30 pounds to lose, too! We can do this!
I'm a 27 year old recent mother to twins, so I understand wanting to set a good example. I want nothing more than for my daughter to just see me eating normally and healthy instead of living on a constant 'diet'.