kirstens1984 Member


  • That's great, will look it up and give it a whirl. Thanks :)
  • Doctor wasn't much help that way, she just said my issues were definitely weight related and that I needed to put on a few pounds and then go back to see her in 4 months or so
  • No I'm exercising at home (after I put my toddler to bed)... Thinking of joining a gym but I'd rather get the equipment I need at home as I know I will stick with it. I thought I would need to progress to a barbell, will take a look at some of the program's recommended and invest :) thanks x
  • True, plus I will enjoy eating at a surplus too (I do love my food!)... By slight surplus would adding 200-250 cal per day be recommended? Figured this would lead to about 0.5lb gain per week? Thanks for the reply :)
  • That's brill thanks.... Will take a look. What equipment would you recommend I get for these programs? I currently just use hand weights but would look to get more equipment to see results. I've been doing the T25 workouts, alpha, beta and gamma phases and whilst they have worked for my weight loss and overall fitness, the…
  • Thanks for the advice :) to be honest I think it's just stubborn fat, I do a lot of core exercises and I'd say my core has got pretty strong. I wonder if it because I had an emergency c-section, I was left with a "pouch" after delivery which has pretty much gone, but I can still grab at the fat around my midsection. I can…
  • MFP reckons I need 1500 to maintain, so I'm having a bit more than that - averaging 1700 ish as is eat closer to 1500 in the week, and 2000-2200 at weekend as I have more time on my hands to cook / allow myself treats. Guess I should be eating a bit more than that then? I do get hungry, it's just a strange change of…
  • Good ideas here, it's really easy to add lots of calories with nuts, avocados, oils etc. Also carbohydrate rich foods such as pasta, potatoes etc provide a lot of calories per portion. Drinking shakes between meals would help too. What foods do you enjoy eating when you feel ok? X
  • I'm really sorry to hear of your condition, it must be really tough. You already know this but you are worryingly and alarmingly underweight, and the doctor should be concerned - have you tried seeking a second opinion? Is there medication available to control the pain? I'm no doctor but my guess was that if you could…
  • I'm 5' 3.5" so I know deep down that 110-112 is a bit on the low side. But yes, I'm shattered a lot of the time, low concentration levels and missed my period for 6 months. BMI is 19 and I thought that was ok, but doctor said it will have upset my hormones. I went on holiday recently and ate more, put on a couple of pounds…
  • Hi there, I'm 31 years old and 5'3" with a two year old son: HW (October 2014): 145lbs CW: 112lbs Goal: maintain at 112lbs :)
  • Yes I've just been told by my doctor that I've to put on between 4-7lbs :( I've lost just over 2 stone so this feels like a step in the wrong direction for me, but my periods stopped for a few months when I was at my lightest and as I have a strong family history of osteoporosis, and also because I would like another…
  • That's brill, thanks for the advice. I'll give the adjustable dumbbells a go to start with and see how it goes and will look into getting more equipment as I get used to the beginner programmes - will take a look at Fitnessblender and give the videos a go. Just at the stage where I'm bored with the workouts I do but don't…
  • Hi everyone, thanks for the responses they all help a lot :) I'm looking at getting both more toned and stronger, but agree I don't need to lose more weight as I'm at the lower end of healthy already. I still have a bit of fat to lose round my abdomen (baby belly) but its definitely way better now than before. But other…
  • Sorry, what I meant was that I feel like I eat loads more as my portions of healthier food are bigger (albeit lower calorie). Agree you need to eat at a deficit to lose weight. But I have found that changing my way of eating has helped in other ways in addition to just weight loss - for example I was on meds for migraines…
  • I don't think that clean eating is limiting. You can eat what you like just making substitutions for the processed stuff... for example, I no longer eat pasta but I have found a fab substitute made with chickpeas and water (that's it), which is half the calories, much lower carb and clean. And it looks and tastes like…
  • I'm neither vegan nor vegetarian but I try to eat clean and I love veggies and nuts etc so often make recipes which are vegan. Have you tried Deliciously Ella? There's a website and a cookbook - Ella Woodward is her name and I've tried a few of her recipes with success :) Also I have a book called "Superfoods: The Flexible…
  • Hi there, I was in your exact situation a year ago and have lost 2 stone since November. I also had a C-section, and put on a lot of weight when pregnant (partly due to complicated pregnancy, partly eating too much if I'm totally honest). I hated my body post pregnancy, my stomach looked gross and I lost a lot of…
  • I love clean eating, but second what pp said about people on here not always being a fan. I just look for recipes that include nothing processed, and would recommend the following: (plenty of recipes on her website although I also have her book which is fab) I have the…
  • I don't use protein powder in my pancakes but they are full of protein anyway. I use a ripe mashed banana, 3 egg whites, 1 heaped tsp coconut flour and some cinnamon for the pancakes. Then I top with loads of almond butter and chopped hazelnuts and some honey. They are delicious I promise! Bet you could add protein powder…
  • Feel free to add me, trying to maintain as well - I'm 31, 5'3 and fluctuate 110-112lbs.
  • wow thanks everyone for the ideas! sorry didn't come back sooner, couldn't get on the forum from my phone(?) at home. Cant wait to try these out! :)
  • You're not eating enough for the amount of exercise you are doing. Eat back your exercise calories so that your "net" calories are at least 1200 - therefore you need at least 1800 with your activity level. Also cut out the processed food in your diet and replace with whole foods. When I switched from processed to…
  • Thank you :)
  • I have overnight oats at least 3 x a week. Also love oats soaked in almond / coconut milk with 1/2 - 1 tsp of ground cinnamon and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract - soak overnight then top with pumpkin seeds, natural yogurt and grated apple. Yum! I have a massive portion as breakfast is my biggest meal, but you can adjust…
  • I've just messaged you jillianangus, but in case anyone else wants it the link is:
  • I'm petite too and maintain at about 1600 net calories (net of exercise logged). Hope that helps :)
  • I'm not pregnant at the moment, but considering trying for a 2nd baby very soon. What settings do you use on here during pregnancy? Just normal maintenance settings? I gained a lot of weight during my first pregnancy - due to a combination of polyhydramnios (waaaayyy too much amniotic fluid), eating too much and having a…
  • i also make a chocolate brownie cake (no bake) with peanut butter, hazelnuts, dates, honey, coconut oil and cacao (that's it!) - if you want the recipe let me know, it's always a hit with my family!
  • chocolate avocado pudding - the recipe I used was from a website called Eat Yourself Skinny. It's delicious and you can't tell it's made with avocado :) let me know if you can't find the recipe and I'll find the link. You can top with berries or eat on its own, delicious!