Gerard25percent Member


  • This is my second time around on a kentonic diet, on the first round too much of a daily calorie reduction would impact my goals, my go too fix was heavy whipping cream mixed with low carb protein.
  • Not sure how to add someone or have someone add me, but I would welcome the support. I am starting a ketonic diet again. My daily percentage goals are 70%, 30%, 0%, there are enough hidden carbs to keep me close to 30 g's. Last go round 15 years ago I dropped 100lbs. If I have the discipline for three weeks, I will turn…
  • Started Monday as well. Flaxseed oil to balance the fat volume.
  • I try to avoid them altogether, my daily goal is 70% fat 30% protein 0 carbs, like Jessie I measure for Ketosis, usually takes 2-3 days to get into and i remain until I consumed enough carbs to knock me out, usually a 12 day on 2 day off cycle