kp306308 Member


  • I'm 7 weeks and going through the same thing! Not very good at motivating myself to eat healthy while half sick and tired. :-/ This weekend I'm going to try and prep some meals to bring to work, and for after work. And if I don't eat every 2-3 hours I'm sick again! I'll be glad when this passes!
  • I have no experience, but I'm on day 5 of Atkins and doing Brazil Butt lift :)
  • I went on there this morning after seeing your post... was very nice :)
  • yeah thanks! I'm thinking of some soups or something for dinner.... and I forgot about ham, so can switch breakfast meat to that.
    in :-) Comment by kp306308 October 2013
  • I LOVE Brazil Butt Lift! It gives serious results... I personally see a difference/feel difference EVERY workout.
  • sorry I don't want you scared! If you (or doctor) can still find the strings then its not lost and removal wont be nearly as bad. I'm sure a lot of people get them removed with no problems. But I would say get it out soon if that's feasible for you!
  • tanning bed! I don't think it's dangerous if you use lotion, eyewear, and don't burn yourself. I've tanned for years and have great looking skin.
  • I also had a horrible experiance with Mirena! The doctor approved for me to get it even though I haven't had any children. I don't blame her for that, I asked for it because at that time I wanted a "sure" thing that I wouldn't get pregnant. A little over 2 years later my husband and I (mainly my husband!) decided we want…
  • You're right I don't eat enough... and when I do eat it's late at night after I get off work and make dinner for the husband. Of course he wants bulking food, and doesn't understand I can't eat beef, potatoes, cheese, pasta and bread type foods at 9:00 or 10:00 at night. He doesn't approve of a low-carb diet at all. (not…
  • I am on day 7! Loving the program so far! :)
  • I'm doing it right now! I am on day 7. I have followed the exercises and meal plan completely! I have ALWAYS been terrified of the gym but now I am going for it. My boyfriend helps me. It does make you feel very proud of yourself! :)
  • I have the answer!!! Brazil Butt Lift!! It is amazing.. order thru beachbody! :-) seriously love handles were always my problem area too.. and butt/ thighs