GymBunnySally Member


  • Focus on not having more than 25g - 30g of carbohydrates at any one meal or snack. Our society is overloaded with carbs: sandwiches, cakes, ready meals, pasties, etc etc. The aim is to keep your blood sugar stable at between 4 - 6 and restricting carbs to 25g - 30g will do this. PS I am not light, currently 14 stone 9lbs,…
  • Hi Kyla, it would be helpful if you outlined your typical food day; what are you currently eating for breakfast or lunch?
  • Wipe the slate clean and plan positively for tomorrow; what will you have for breakfast; what do you need to prepare for work? Visualize your food diary for tomorrow so that when you get up it really will be a fresh start. Everyone has the same struggles!
  • Your steady weight loss is excellent; don't be tempted to try and push for more because your body is in a good rhythm and shedding the excess weight in a very safe and healthy way. Just keep doing what you are doing!