1Ginabb Member


  • Thanks ladies, sadly...I wasn't really back. lol. We've been remodeling my house and I am taking grad classes. We've had several events in the family that required celebrating with 'food'....so hopefully, now I'm back. lol. Gained up another 4 lbs over this past month. I have to be serious now, back to doing my food diary.
    in I'm back Comment by 1Ginabb March 2016
  • Val and Susie you both look amazing! Be proud and show off that before picture, look how far you've come!
  • Peggy! wow what a change. you look great!
  • I have one Meat loaf, one Chicken Pot Pie, one Tuna Cassorole, and 3 Lazagnas, all shelf stable. I will entertain any offers. I hate these, they will not be eaten. lol. I live in Central Virginia, but I will mail.
  • Welcome! I started with the Shelf stable plan and have been on the diet about 4 months. I have only lost 24 lbs. but I feel great and my clothes are fitting better. I would like to be down about 40 lbs when it's all said and done. However, I kinda like the diet. I feel like I have my own personal chef. I think it will be…
  • Ms. D and Randy! You guys are HOT! lol.
  • Great post, good to know I'm not the only one with slow loss. I think it's our ages. Most of us on here that are commenting are 40s and up. I just can't lose like I used to. I too have found myself stalling, gaining and spending a week to get off a couple pounds I gained. That's why I like this site. I love their Reports…
  • I noticed the same thing at sleep!
  • Went to the Doc this morning, and she gave me kudos for how great I looked. Plus my BP was lower 112/70 it usually runs 180s/90s. Also....I was down 25! I weighed in this morning on my scale and I was down 24.8 so, I will take it!
  • I second that Susie! What a transformation.
  • Thanks for sharing guys. I was wondering if we start noticing that certain PF and SC do this more than others. The more folks share then more we can compare. Knowledge is power!
  • Now that is a great quote!
  • Thanks! I did get the remainder of the weight off, and I have lost an additional pound. With that being said, I enjoyed a slice of cherry cheese cake and hamburger at a family BBQ this past weekend.
  • OMG Ash! You look like a totally different person. Wow! Jaw dropping! Amazing, so proud of you!
  • You look great...and slow is good. It's much more 'real' when it comes off slow. Way to go.
  • 22 lbs down. 18 lbs more till goal.
  • Totally agree, great advice. Most of the time cheating isn't because of lack of willpower it's because of lack of time or available good foods.
  • PB2 choc. is my downfall. I love it so much, I can't buy it. I can't control myself and will eat too much. PBFit doesn't make a choc that I know of...perhaps that's a good thing. lol.
  • Womack: Great job, you got this!
  • It says 55 cals, which could because they suggest 3 TB of mix to make 2 TB of peanut butter. However, the container says a serving size is 2 TB, so I'm a little confused on that. However, for the money savings and better taste, I'll spare 10 cals. lol.
  • I just want to share that before I left for my 'food vacation' yes, we looked up the Travel Channel's Man vs. Food sites in Mempshis and I had ribs, chicken and waffles, 3 more kinds of fried chicken, famous burgers, and plenty of donuts, anyways I had lost my goal of 20 lbs before our trip, and actually lost 21. I went on…
  • Way to go Susi! 45! It's amazing. That's a small child. lol.
  • I have been on the program for 3 months. I have lost 20 lbs and have another 20 to go for goal. After being on the program for a month. I started getting more creative and lax with my menu. I generally eat my NS lunch, I enjoy my PF and SC carb around mid morning and then I have a NS lunch (or dinner entrée) for dinner I…
  • lol. Move on! I cheated my whole week of vacation. I planned my week that I would eat NS for breakfast and lunch....the first day we stopped at Old Mill in Gatlinburg for fried eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy and hashbrown potatoes...it was done then. The remainder of the week I ate Popeye's, Krystal Burger, Church's…
  • well...it came off. I lost the gain, plus 2 more lbs. However, I then went on vacation which I like to call 'cheatapollosa' and ate at 4 different places featured on Man vs. Food. I had 3 different dishes of fried chicken, ribs, etc. So I am up 4.4 lbs. But, it's all good. I will just eat baked fish and veggies for the…
    in Swelling Comment by 1Ginabb July 2015
  • I am so happy....I set a goal to reach 15 lb lose before vacation....I have lost 21.2! Now if I can just control myself on vacation. My family is a big 'let's find the Man vs. Food places while we're here. lol....so Gus' Famous Fried Chicken here I come. Only I will just have 1 piece. lol.
  • Wow Maria! Way to go.