tappleby_14 Member


  • I started where you are but learned 1200 is too low and can ruin your metabolism. Most people can usually eat at a much higher calorie count with exercise and proper macros! It's hard to raise them but trust the process! Its better to start high and lower them as needed. Good luck!!
  • Have you heard of IIFYM? It can be confusing and hard to figure out what fits in your count at first but that really helps you to eat what you want while tracking properly!
  • It seems you hate the idea of exercise altogether so it is almost determined before you really get into anything. Try to have an open mind and then just try things. You don't have to absolutely love lifting, yoga, dance, etc. to do it but you may love the feeling you get after it or after you see progress. Kind of like…
  • Yea the scale just seems to play mind games instead of help! Love all the other support on here!
  • I think you may be over thinking it a little. Which isn't a bad thing! But you have to make the macros you eat fit into your calories and your thinking the other way around. So those macros were your goals and it looks like your getting close! For example food A may have 70 cals and be high carb and low fat while food B…
  • Ditch the scale...hide it and look at it once a month. You just have to start. And stay consistant. Even if you have *kitten* workouts consistency is key in seeing progress. Do something you enjoy. Don't run if you don't like running. Do something active anything. You won't always like it all of course and you will have…
  • Macro goals are different for everyone. And all of the info online can be so overwhelming between salespeople and true info. I would say go with what you have planned and log accurately. And in 2-3 weeks look at it and see what is and isn't working for you. Also personally I believe your calories are too low and will hurt…
  • I hate to be the one to take this a different direction but if your up for giving a new angle a chance then I have a few suggestions. I am no pro and only know any of this from personal experience and research. So take this info however you would like because we are all different! I feel your calories are maybe too low.…