Ashar33 Member


  • Definitely agree with going on Pinterest! I've found and adapted so many recipes from there! Like my hello kitty fat bombs!
  • I totally am like this some weeks. Some weeks I would rather just eat something in a lettuce wrap. Unfortunately, other weeks my cravings just get too crazy ha ha.
  • Dieting on a budget is the worst. =[ I want to complain about it some days, but then I remember there are plenty of people who have it worse than I do. I don't have any children to feed, and I live alone so....I guess it could be worse! There were a few months this winter that were really, really rough though. Felt like…
  • I made a pita bread the other day! was pretty good. I don't think it would work as your typical sandwich bread though, sorry. Made a grilled cheese with it one day, used it to dip in Mexican food the next, and then the last day I had it with butter, splenda, & cinnamon for breakfast. Very dense. Here's the recipe…
  • I had a 6 oz glass of Pinot Grigio last weekend and still had 1/2 pound loss the next morning. My sister drinks vodka and she has lost 38 pounds.
    in Alcohol Comment by Ashar33 June 2015
  • I stay below 1500 calories, and below 30 carbs and I've been losing about 1/2 a pound a day. *knock on wood* it won't be like that forever, but for now ? I'm digging it.
  • Same thing with buying 80/20 Ground beef instead of extra lean. And getting tuna packed in oil instead of water.
  • Haha Sajyana I'm a gamer too! Mostly PC gaming. I usually shut the door to my office so if I get up to get food I have to remember why the eff I shut myself in. Oh yeahh...... lol.
  • Everyone is different, and I would definitely encourage you to keep trying different things until you find the thing that works for you. Having a routine and boundaries keeps me on track. I do not eat after 8:00pm, and if I do, I have to track it under my diary at "LATE NIGHT EATING" in other words SHAME SHAME. lol. This…
  • Last week I was baking all night for a co-workers birthday. Made paleo zucchini bread (definitely not low carb), and regular birthday cake. Didn't even lick the spoon and didn't want to either.
  • I was thinking about doing the egg fast for just one week and seeing what happens. Probably going to do it the last week of June, as July is going to be a no weigh-in month for me. I've read up on the fat fast and it does NOT seem appealing to me at all. So there's that.
  • I first noticed that I had acid reflux a few years ago when I was working at a hotel that served fresh baked cookies at the front desk. So obviously, us girls at the front desk ate cookies all of the time. And I had horrible heartburn all of the time. I always assumed it was the butter in the cookies, and my doctor said it…
  • Definitely agree with AngInCanada about the cauliflower mash! So good! I've always had a sweet tooth, and for me the first week was the worst. But I promise you, if you stick with it - you won't even WANT the carbs anymore. Here's an article about "carb flu" that I found really encouraging:…
  • Ashley Martin, sent you a request! =]